a snorkel observed in the Indre, what is the cause?

a snorkel observed in the Indre, what is the cause?
a snorkel observed in the Indre, what is the cause?

A phenomenon that was still rare a few years ago, snorkels – these funnels visible at the base of storm clouds – are now regularly immortalized and shared on social networks. Is their frequency a consequence of global warming?

“Statistically, there are no more of them than before, assures Florentin Cayrouse, vice-president of the Météo Center association. Today, the proliferation of cell phones allows everyone to take photos of a phenomenon and give it visibility by broadcasting it on social networks. This is what happens with tubas, of which we have seen numerous photos on Facebook in recent days. »

Harmless if it doesn’t touch the ground

Latest example with this tuba photographed Thursday May 23 afternoon between Bordes and Paudy. “Storms are created when there is cold air at altitude and mild air at low level, close to the ground. Under these conditions, snorkels can occur when there is a wind shear phenomenon: we then observe a rotation at the base of the clouds which ends up forming a small appendage called a snorkel. 95% of snorkels are harmless because they do not touch the ground: they are visible for ten to fifteen minutes, then evaporate on their own. But as soon as contact with the ground is confirmed, we are then faced with a tornado. »

Although it has no direct link with the formation of snorkels, global warming nevertheless has an impact on the intensity of storms. “As the air is warmer, there is more water vapor in the atmosphere, indicates Florentin Cayrouse. Thunderstorms, when they form, therefore have a higher potential. This explains why they are accompanied by more intense precipitation and can sometimes generate large hailstones. »

Martine Roy




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