with pedagogy, the cyclists of Seine-et- pay tribute to Paul

with pedagogy, the cyclists of Seine-et- pay tribute to Paul
with pedagogy, the cyclists of Seine-et-Marne pay tribute to Paul


Paul Varenguin

Published on

Oct 20, 2024 at 8:06 a.m.

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The shock and emotion are still vivid in their speech. Saturday October 19, 2024around twenty people gathered in front of the town hall of (Seine-et-Marne), in tribute to Paul, a cyclist killed on Boulevard Malesherbes in (VIIIe arrondissement) by a motorist a few days earlier.

Between pedagogy et meditation, they wanted to show their support for the family.


The uncertain weather at the end of the afternoon did not dampen the determination of the cyclists gathered in front of the town hall. Just days after the death of Paul, a 27-year-old cyclist killed by a motorist following a dispute, the French Federation of Bicycle Users (Fub) had called for organizing gatherings everywhere in , in front of town halls.

The message was received in Chelles, where the violence of acts is in everyone’s mind. “Intimidation, violence… it’s a daily reality. We are victims of it, even in quiet streets,” begins like this Richard, from MDB-Chelles by bike.

He wants an example which he tells, moved. The day before the tragedy, while he was riding his bike, a motorist said to him “I’m going to run over you”. Some say they have to force passage, sometimes, when we refuse to let them pass; others recall the necessary vigilance, when some drivers do not pay attention to bicycles.

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So obviously, the outbreak of violence of which young Paul was a victim on Tuesday September 15, affected everyone here. Richard, for example, remembers feeling “stunned.” Others, who came to testify their support for the family, speak of a “shock”.

Ideas and optimism

Despite everything, here, everyone assures us, “ we are not against the car “. Moreover, many people have one and use it more or less regularly.

Some even understand the feelings of motorists. “There may be frustration, we are taking away a space that was until now dedicated to them to create cycle paths,” said one man, who refuses to have a Manichean visionof the relationship between cyclists and motorists.

He emphasizes that the much-vaunted Dutch model was not established so easily. For him, France is in a “transitional phase” which “is not going to last”, he believes, full of optimism.

Besides, here, there is no shortage of ideas to improve relations between different road users . Creating safe spaces, car-free days, allowing mentalities to change… there are many ideas, but one seems to come up very often: awareness. “Why not create stagesfor each new license, during which we would travel by bicycle to realize what it is ? », suggests Richard.

Because, everyone affirms, being behind a wheel changes a person. Insults, anger, abrupt behavior… we all know someone who changes, “a car between the pockets”as Renaud already described it 40 years ago. ” Sometimes,we have the impression that people do not realize that they have 1,300 kg of metal in their hands,when our bike barely does 10″, laments one cycle worker*.

Anyway, the cyclists’ educational effort seems to have paid off. During the gathering, the few curious people who stopped to talk showed interest. “I was ablelearn thingsand change your mind a little,” assures a passerby. Maybe she will even convert to cycling!

* And cycle worker is a person who goes to work by bike.

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