“This dictatorship will not pass”

“This dictatorship will not pass”
“This dictatorship will not pass”

Leaving for Bakel with the aim of meeting those affected by the flooding of the Senegal River, Bougane Gueye Dany, member of the Sàm Sa Kàddu coalition, was stopped and arrested by the local gendarmerie about ten kilometers from the region. “We are being prevented from accessing Bakel.” They mishandled us and Bougane was arrested. We traveled in the name of the Sàmm sa Kàddu coalition to provide relief and solidarity to the victims. This dictatorship will not pass in this country because we are all Senegalese and we cannot be denied this right to enter this locality and to sympathize with the pain of the people. Telling us that it is because the President of the Republic is in Bakel is a fallacious pretext. » regrets Thierno Bocoum. Also, Anta Babacar Ngom remains firm in his position: “We are not going to move from here and we are going to go to Bakel to meet these families. » It is exactly this type of act that we fought against the Macky Sall regime a few years ago. We are not going to accept that these new leaders do the same! “This is unacceptable,” denounced the president of the ARC movement.




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