D d’Or ceremony: the Lot in the top 3 favorite departments of the French

D d’Or ceremony: the Lot in the top 3 favorite departments of the French
D d’Or ceremony: the Lot in the top 3 favorite departments of the French

October 19, 2024 – 263 views

Friday October 11, 2024 in , Jean-Pierre Jammes, vice-president of the Lot Department in charge of Tourism and Sport, received, from the Journal des Départements and Mon Avis Citoyen, the prize for the French favorite department (3rd place). A trophy based on a public vote carried out online throughout the summer, open to all.

On this occasion, Jean-Pierre Jammes declared: “Quality of life, preserved natural setting, a multi-millennial history and heritage are all riches and assets which make the Lot attractive. This award also testifies to the dynamism which, for three years, has meant that the Lot has brought in two new families per week, has an unemployment rate lower than the national average thanks to its industry and its services and has been able to take the turn towards modernity by becoming the 10th department in best equipped with optical fiber. In short, by climbing into the top three of the French’s favorite departments with a beautiful bronze medal, the Department of Lot, the only one in to be awarded, innovates, surprises and is resolutely Oh My Lot! “.

In 2023, during the same ceremony in , the Department of Lot had already been awarded a “D d’Or” for its human resources policy focused on cohesion and well-being at work.




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