Conference drawn around My imaginary museum in Ornans –

Conference drawn around My imaginary museum in Ornans –
Conference drawn around My imaginary museum in Ornans –

A conference drawn around My Imaginary Museum (The Discovery), a graphic novel by Claire Le Men, will take place on Saturday May 25, 2024 at 3 p.m. in Ornans, in the presence of the author and Ségolène Le Men, specialist in Courbet and Monet.

© Courbet Museum / Aurélia Channaux

On the occasion of the celebration of 150 years of Impressionism and Mother’s Day, the Pôle Courbet is offering a cartoon conference with Claire Le Men, author, and her mother, Ségolène Le Men, professor emeritus of history of impressionism. contemporary art at Paris-Nanterre University, specialist in Gustave Courbet and Claude Monet.

”In this graphic and autobiographical novel, Claire Le Men starts from her first memories of museum visits with her mother and her first encounters with works of art to broaden her remarks to more general themes. […] Reproductions of works of art, drawings of works made by the author and reproductions of her childhood drawings punctuate her story.”

Info +

Useful information

  • Saturday May 25 at 3 p.m.
  • Drawing conference at the Atelier Courbet,
  • 14 avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny in Ornans
  • Duration: approximately 1 hour
  • Free admission

At the end of the cartoon conference, Claire Le Men will dedicate her graphic and autobiographical essay.

Reservation required on 03 81 86 22 88 or [email protected]

To find out all the cultural programming at Pôle Courbet:




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