Drôme – Tain-L’Hermitage – Public services

Drôme – Tain-L’Hermitage – Public services
Drôme – Tain-L’Hermitage – Public services

Bringing together several services involved in the field of solidarity on the same site to simplify and improve the response to users, such is the objective of the future Departmental House of Solidarity and Autonomy (MDSA).

In order to be accessible to as many people as possible and to benefit from good public transport access, the Department has chosen to rehabilitate a group of existing buildings in the city center of Valencia. The future House of Solidarity and Autonomy will take place in the former Enedis premises, located on Avenue du Colonel Arnaud-Beltrame.

End of work in fall 2026

The 11,240 m² site has officially begun its transformation. After a phase of asbestos removal and demolition of some of the buildings (the main one of 8,000 m² will be partly preserved), the laying of the first stone of this House was carried out at the end of September.

At the end of the project, which should end in the fall of 2026, the site will bring together, among others, the departmental delegation of the ARS, the headquarters of the Solidarities directorate and even medical-social centers. Nearly 300 agents from the Department and around fifty from the ARS will work within these walls.

In total, 37 million euros will be necessary for the construction of the structure, three quarters of which will be financed by the Department of Drôme.



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