clash of civilizations and trickle-down theory in our satirical echoes

clash of civilizations and trickle-down theory in our satirical echoes
clash of civilizations and trickle-down theory in our satirical echoes

Clash of civilizations

This week, the column was fueled by a play with queer puppets which caused a stir in a Catholic high school in . Adapted from Shakespeare, it made no secret of playing with the definitions of the genre, and was clearly not to the taste of the establishment.

Pointing out “the difficult to access staging” of the show, the management canceled the arrival of its students. A controversy which has not escaped the sagacity of the RN regional councilor, the Landaise Sylvie Franceschini. “The National Rally provides its full support to the Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle establishment, which took the courageous decision to cancel a school trip to a queer show incompatible with the values ​​of our civilization. »

For all intents and purposes, let us remember that the queer community – a word which designates all or part of sexual and gender minorities and fights against homophobia – belongs to the large LGBT + community. Who, if we follow the reasoning of the elected Lepéniste, does not therefore belong to “our” civilization? But which civilization exactly?

Clarity, in confusion

“Mr. Dubois, frankly, you have this oratory talent which allows you to consider that what you say at the end no longer corresponds to what you said at the beginning”, launched the Mons departmental councilor Frédéric Dutin to his Dacquois counterpart Julien Dubois, during the vote on the allocations allocated to Landes colleges.

The mayor of Dax had felt the blow coming and began his intervention with “I will undoubtedly disappoint you, Mr. Dutin, but our position will lack clarity. » Clarity, in confusion, therefore.

No, but in the water!

Communication is good! You just have to find the right balance so as not to fall into too much… fullness. Recent example with the Mont-de-Marsan media library which suffered water damage which forced the building to close its doors for around two weeks.

To announce the reopening on October 15, after cleaning and repair, she published a post on Facebook which raises questions. We see an animated image, resembling an ocean floor, with some rocks, corals, algae and even fish! Humorous communication, like a snub to this disaster, far from being dramatic, and fortunately. And too bad for the 1,360 documents that were unrecoverable because of the runoff and the loss of 20,000 euros.

Runoff theory

Runoff still, this time at the Mont-de-Marsan Agglo Council. At the opening of the session, Jean-Paul Alyre, in his role as president of Sictom, proposed inviting community elected officials to the Saint-Perdonnais site. “It would be interesting to make a presentation of what we do and how our budget is composed, so that certain orientations, particularly in terms of the household waste tax, are better understood. » Satisfaction of Alain Baché, requester of these explanations, and who has just discussed at the Regional Council the Regional Plan for planning, sustainable development and territorial equality (Sraddet), including the waste component.

“As long as you are on the Sraddet, if you can include some subsidies at the level of the Region, which has jurisdiction over the management and collection of waste, that would be good, because in terms of runoff, for the Now, we’re not going to drown! », Jean-Paul Alyre told him. Unfortunately, the tap is not about to flow freely, given the announced blow to the finances of regional authorities.

Courage, let’s run away!

This week, we received a letter: two sheets, including a copy of the 2024 federal commitment charter set up by the French Landes Racing Federation. A few lines written on a computer to convey a message. Or rather an opinion. But our interlocutor is certainly Zorro’s cousin because he “failed” to sign his letter. Regrettable, because it certainly has a good intention. And there we will perhaps also speak of a courage which he lacked and which would not propel him to the center of ruedo “to preserve this tradition”.



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