he discovered tea in Vietnam and created his own brand

he discovered tea in Vietnam and created his own brand
he discovered tea in Vietnam and created his own brand


Editorial Courrier du Pays de Retz

Published on

Oct 19, 2024 at 8:16 a.m.

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An artisanal composition with an exotic taste coming from the 4 corners of the world. This is the cocktail proposed by Paul Guezo. At the age of 25, this pure Breton, originally from , settled in Saint-Michel-Chef-Chef (-Atlantique). A long-distance traveler, he has just create your own tea brandSokanya.

A decisive meeting

“I didn’t drink it before leaving to do a hitchhiking tour of Asia in 2022. North of Hanoi, in Vietnam, I met a family of tea harvesters. They invited me to share their lunch enhanced by this hot drink.”

I got into it gradually as I continued my trip, because tea is one of the essential customs throughout Asia.

Paul Guezo, creator of the Sokanya brand

It was in Malaysia that Paul began to think about his return to and to consider his next professional activities. Thinking back to family in Vietnam, the idea of ​​marketing his own brand of tea arose in his mind.

Tea from the four corners of the world

Back in France, he spent a year maturing his project.

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“I didn’t necessarily want to favor just one place. So I contacted Rwandan and Indian wholesalers to bring in tea from different places around the world and offer a choice of multiple flavors. What was important to me was to share what I myself discovered, while keeping in mind that this very strong tasting tea is only drunk in a travel context to be able to appreciate it. », continues the Michelois.

Satisfy local taste buds

Paul adapts and decides to create your own mixes to compose a sweet, fragrant and fruity tea. “To be able to sell tea here, we need to offer a wider range.”

I started mixing tea with different dried products. I did a lot of tests with citrus peels and dried red fruits, varying the dosages until the final product.

Paul Guezo

Soon the organic label

The Sokanya brand was born. “I gave this name from a delirium experienced between friends in Malaysia, which resonates well with the history of this personal project that I am very proud to launch. For now, I’m doing home sales with a few clients, while developing the online sale “.

I intend to develop my efforts to raise awareness of the brand by participating in the upcoming Christmas and craft markets.

Paul Guezo

The young entrepreneur is waiting for label Bio which should be awarded at the beginning of 2025. “It will bring me more legitimacy and reward all the work done.”

Sale of Sokanya tea online on the site

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