Fed up with mayors: a councilor from Haute-Garonne resigns in the face of “deterioration of her mental health”

Fed up with mayors: a councilor from Haute-Garonne resigns in the face of “deterioration of her mental health”
Fed up with mayors: a councilor from Haute-Garonne resigns in the face of “deterioration of her mental health”

The mayor of Pibrac, Camille Pouponneau, announced her resignation this Thursday on social networks.

In a detailed press release, she justifies her decision on several grounds, including general exhaustion, close to burn-out.

She also deplores having felt “drowned under the weight of rigid state rules”.

“I have reached the end of what I could endure.” Camille Pouponneau, socialist mayor of the commune of Pibrac near and metropolitan councilor, announced on September 17 on social networks that she had returned her tricolor scarf, evoking in particular a “degradation of [sa] mental health.”

“It is with deep sadness that I inform you of my resignation from my mandate as Mayor of Pibrac and Metropolitan Councilor, a resignation that the Prefect of Haute-Garonne has just accepted, with immediate effect”, explained on her X account, formerly Twitter, the 35-year-old elected official, close to the regional president Carole Delga and the mayor of , Karine Traval-Michelet.

“Today the deterioration of my mental health, leading to a progressive deterioration of my physical health, no longer allows me to carry out these functions with the necessary perspective and energy”, details the councilor in a long press release attached to his publication. “After 10 years of devoting myself to elective mandates in the service of others and the common good, I must take care of myself,” adds the one who was elected at the head of this commune of 8,500 inhabitants in 2020 and who refuses any interview about this sudden departure.

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Evoking also a certain weariness, the elected official explains having felt “drowned under the weight of rigid state rules”. She particularly regrets having been “a simple manager without any room for maneuver”, including daily was “more devoted to controlling dog waste than to structuring projects for the municipality”. In her press release, Camille Pouponneau also points out “the progressive disempowerment of citizens”, and refers to recent threats “legal proceedings for defamatory remarks” from local residents.

Finally, the one who had put all professional activity on hold to devote herself to her mandates regrets “not having assumed decent compensation for his mandate (which today amounts to €1,127) and having held two functions: that of mayor and that of chief of staff”. Unable to claim unemployment, she specifies that she intends to apply for RSA to devote herself to her retraining.





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