A snub for the Algerian military junta – Le7tv.ma

A snub for the Algerian military junta – Le7tv.ma
A snub for the Algerian military junta – Le7tv.ma

This Thursday, October 17, 2024 is a date to be marked with a white stone for the Kingdom of Morocco, and a hammer blow for the Algerian military junta. Meeting in Brussels, the 27 Heads of State and Government of the European Union (EU) have, unanimityreiterated their attachment to the “Strategic Partnership” with Morocco. This massive and clear support, formulated by the highest authority of the EU, is a continuation of previous declarations and sends a firm message: the European Union does not intend to give in to dishonest pressure and attempts at interference. of Algeria.

This statement is not trivial. It comes in a context of heightened tensions, particularly after the military junta of Algiers summoned the ambassadors of 12 European countries, following their explicit support for Morocco after the rulings of the EU Court. Believing it could intimidate sovereign nations and impose its whims using archaic methods, the Algerian regime found itself faced with a scathing and incontrovertible response.

An Algeria Isolated and Devoid of Strategy

Algeria, with its autocratic regime lacking legitimacy and its international manipulations, today seems more isolated than ever. Did she really think that her threats of gas supplies, or her attempts to use separatist militias, were going to bend the European Union to her desires? By summoning the ambassadors of 12 European countries, Algiers has only once again exposed its destructive agenda, an agenda which only serves to divide, sow chaos, and preserve its authoritarian hegemony over the region.

The European Council, in exemplary unity, not only rejected Algerian desires but also underlined the importance of its strategic partnership with Morocco in all areas. This partnership is judged to be of “immense value”, and the message is clear: Algerian pressure cannot weaken a relationship built on trust, history, and the shared vision of a prosperous future for the Mediterranean region.

A Masterstroke for Morocco, a Disavowal for Algiers

This renewed support from the EU comes at a time when Morocco is strengthening its international stature, as a reliable and strategic partner, particularly in the management of regional and global challenges, such as energy security, the fight against terrorism, and migration. Faced with this picture of a solid and committed Morocco, Algeria, with its destabilizing maneuvers and its support for separatist militias, appears as a retrograde force.

The bitter failure of the Algerian junta to influence European policy is obvious. By wanting to summon diplomats and impose its diktats, Algiers has instead succeeded in being humiliated on the international scene. And now the question arises: what will be his next desperate move? Will she convene the 27 countries of the European Union? Will it threaten to cut off gas to all of Europe? Will it dare to continue its harmful support for destabilizing groups, as it does in the Sahel and the Moroccan Sahara?

The European Union: Firm and Sovereign

The European Union has already responded to these attempts at intimidation: its foreign policy is defined sovereignly by its institutions, in accordance with the treaties, and cannot be dictated by foreign regimes. The unanimous decision of the Heads of State and Government, as well as the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, is an unequivocal signal to Algeria. The EU will continue to define its relations according to its own interests and its strategic partners, such as Morocco.

The Algerian military junta, with its clumsy maneuvers, is sinking further into isolation and disgrace. Meanwhile, Morocco, firmly supported by its European partners, continues to assert itself as a key player on the international scene. The Algerian attempt at destabilization has failed resoundingly, and relations between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco have emerged stronger and more determined than ever.

Abderrazzak Boussaid/Le7tv



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