In Orne, three girls victims of an incestuous father and a neglectful mother

In Orne, three girls victims of an incestuous father and a neglectful mother
In Orne, three girls victims of an incestuous father and a neglectful mother


Romaric Larue

Published on

Oct. 17 2024 at 6:42 p.m

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Insults, violence, sexualized remarks, touching… This is what the daily life imposed for several years by a couple from Orne to their girls. The parents were sentenced on Thursday October 17 by the Alençon criminal court.

Alcohol, drugs and violence

The three victims are now 24, 22 and 15 years old, the oldest being from the mother’s first union. They all paint the same picture of the family environment, first settled in the country of Alençon then in the center of Orne.

Alcohol flows freely, drugs are also very present, cannabis, cocaine or even ecstasy, and parents often abandon them, sometimes for entire weekends, to go partying. Children regularly witness arguments and scenes of domestic violence, even seeing their mother with a “distorted face”.

They are also victims of verbal, physical and sexual violence. The children talk about touching repeated of the father at the level of the chest, sex, buttocks. “It wasn’t every weekend but it was regular,” one of the girls told investigators. “It’s pushing my daughter,” he told her once, touching her breasts. “Make me a kid,” he told her another day.

At the age of puberty

A heavy context, long kept silent, that they fled one by one. The eldest of the trio left home in 2020. “We were going through hell,” she said. As with her sisters, the first touching occurred at puberty, around the age of 14. The second comes out in 2021.

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The youngest found herself alone at home with her parents. Left to her own devices. She chooses to join a boarding school to exile herself as much as possible. “We always grew up in this context, for us it was normal,” she emphasized. In May 2023, she confided in her aunt during a family celebration. She reports everything to the gendarmerie.

The investigation was fueled by the victims’ statements but also the evidence they were able to collect. “Here, it was almost the children who carried out the investigation. We see this very rarely. So that we would believe them, they took photos of the tower,” noted the chairman of the hearing, Éric Martin.

The father defended himself against the accusations made against him: “Alcohol and drugs? I recognize. Abandonment? I half agree. But I’m against touching. Listening to you, I am a sexual pervert who groped his daughters all the time. I’m someone who could kill a pedophile. »

The chairman of the hearing highlighted the versions concordant of the three victims. “They talk about the same touching, never under clothing, slaps on the buttocks, massaged breasts… They did not live together and suffered this at different times. »

“Shit humor” according to the father

The father justified some of his actions with jokes graveleusesof “shit humor”taking the example of the olive game. “These are zero actions. Maybe my way of doing things wasn’t right. But I never had the desire or intention to touch a child. » For the rest, he argued “conspiracy” ridden by other family members. “My daughters worked together. They were pushed to do so by certain people, who do not like the way we live. »

The youngest dismissed this hypothesis: “At that time, I was no longer in contact with my sisters. I was the only one living at home. »

For her part, the mother is being prosecuted for not having denounced the actions of her husband and having evaded her parental obligations. On several occasions, her daughters pointed out the problem to her but she turned a blind eye.

We had gifts for Christmas, our birthdays, but not the love of a mother. She was not there for us and to protect us. She never had this role.

The 24-year-old victim

The mother justified this absence by her state of health. “I spun,” she admitted. “I felt capable of nothing, like a rag. » “She should have made the facts known to the authorities,” recalled prosecutor Cécile Marot-Quere, for whom the “security and education climate was not compliant”.

Request for withdrawal of parental authority

Me Agathe Gauthier, a victim’s lawyer, insisted on the suffering of the victims.

They did not only live in indifference from their parents. They witnessed domestic violence, heavy drinking, saw their parents taking cocaine through a straw and a crack pipe. And they were also direct victims of incestuous physical, verbal and sexual violence.

Me Agathe Gauthier, lawyer for a victim

The lawyer requested the withdrawal of parental authority to “protect” the teenager.

The public prosecutor requested 48 months in prison, 20 of which are suspended with warrant of committal for the father, 12 months suspended sentence for the mother. Unrepresented by a lawyer, the parents did not wish to make the slightest comment to the judges before the deliberation.

Firm and reprieve

The 43-year-old father was sentenced to 36 months in prison, 24 of which were suspended and registered in the automated judicial file of perpetrators of sexual or violent offenses (Fijais). Her authority parental has been removed for the youngest, now placed in foster care.

Aged 49, the mother suffered 12 months suspended. Both are prohibited from having contact with the victims. They must compensate the youngest and the eldest to the tune of €5,000 and €3,000 respectively.

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