Launch of the 22nd edition of the Escapages Prize

Launch of the 22nd edition of the Escapages Prize
Launch of the 22nd edition of the Escapages Prize

36 books in competition

The ESCAPAGES prize rewards the favorite books of readers from Indre, thirty-six books are in competition, divided into nine age categories (+ 2 years / + 4 years / + 6 years / + 8 years / + 10 years / + 12 years old / Teenagers / Young Adult / Escapages +).
Last year, almost 13 000 people registered: 30 libraries, 8 high schools, 11 middle schools and 152 schools.

This is an operation based on a partnership between the Aladin association (Association for reading and activities in Indre), the Departmental Council via the Indre Departmental Library, Châteauroux Métropole via the library network de Châteauroux, Atelier Canopé 36, FOL and DSDEN (Directors of Departmental Services of National Education).

A prize for developing reading

This operation has multiple objectives:

  • reduce illiteracy by promoting reading for pleasure from a very young age (even before being old enough to learn to read);
  • increase opportunities for children to encounter books in class but also outside;
  • encourage children to discuss books among themselves and form their own opinions;
  • promote contemporary literature intended for young people as being both an object of study and leisure, and not exclusively restrictive or fun;
  • make children aware of the issues surrounding the right to vote that they will one day exercise by offering them the opportunity to vote for their favorite book.

A selection of works

At the start of the school year, a brochure is distributed throughout the Indre Department to all partners (libraries, schools, RAM, leisure centers, etc.). It brings together a wide range of works, the result of numerous readings and exchanges between professionals from the world of books and the educational sector.
From this selection, four titles are selected by age category to compete for the Escapages Prize.

Participants will vote for their favorite book from March until early May.

The results will be communicated on Saturday May 24, 2025 during the final at the Équinoxe media library in Châteauroux.
All year long, events around the Prize are offered to Indians, young and old.

For the little ones:

Shows and author meetings:

  • A show, specially created by a company, around the books + 2 years and + 4 years, is offered to nursery schools in the Department.
  • These meetings are organized by the FOL and allow certain schools to meet an Escapages author.

In connection with educational establishments:

  • Escapages Challenges (from 10 years old) proposal of 4 games around the books in the selection with a diploma ceremony to promote the work of children.
  • Reading notebooks freely available on the website for ages 8+, 10+, 12+ and Teens.

For older children:

  • Escapages + Readings: suggested readings based on books selected from the Escapages + category in high schools and libraries in the department.

A year of reading

From the start of the school year, schools, from kindergarten to high school, leisure centers and libraries wishing to participate in the prize, register with the ALADIN association (Association pour la Lecture et ses Animations Dans l ‘Indre).
Future readers are invited to contact their library to have access to these works. The Departmental Library acquires the selections in several copies to supply the libraries in its network, allowing wider distribution of the Escapages Prize.


Departmental Library of Indre



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