Switzerland deports criminals with ‘pocket money’

Switzerland deports criminals with ‘pocket money’
Switzerland deports criminals with ‘pocket money’

As part of a pilot project, Switzerland recently started deporting criminals to Afghanistan again. Explanations.

Henry Habegger / ch media

For the first time since 2019, Switzerland has returned Afghan criminals to their country of origin in recent weeks. According to the Sunday Viewthe State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) informed the cantons of these expulsions in a newsletter published on Friday.

Until now, the forced execution of expulsion decisions that have entered into force was not possible “for operational reasons”, explains the SEM. The safety of the police officers accompanying the deported criminals could not be guaranteed. Added to this is the fact that the human rights situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated massively since the Taliban took power.

But Switzerland has clearly found a solution. As SEM vice-director Vincenzo Mascioli told the Sunday Viewit is a pilot project aimed at repatriating delinquents “who represent a problem for the internal security of Switzerland”. For these types of criminals, zero tolerance would be required.

People in this category have committed crimes such as murder, rape, serious drug offenses, or significant acts of violence. So far, a few Afghans have been expelled in this way. Several other criminals from the same country should follow soon according to the SEM.

The cantonal police ensure that nothing goes wrong

Switzerland is only the second country to carry out expulsions to Afghanistan. Countries like Austria and Denmark are certainly talking about it, but only Germany has really taken action so far. Our neighbor, however, proceeded differently from Switzerland: he chartered a Qatar Airways plane and brought 28 Afghans back to their country.

For its part, Switzerland is banking on scheduled flights. Apparently, two Afghans who committed serious crimes were recently repatriated in this way. They received 500 francs of pocket money before departure, “to cover their needs immediately after their arrival”, according to the SEM. The Secretariat does not want to give details of the process. What is certain is that at least on part of the journey, cantonal police officers ensure that nothing goes wrong.

The SEM is looking for a new leader

What is interesting is that behind this relatively hard Swiss line there is a vice-director who is certainly without a party, but rather classified on the left: Vincenzo Mascioli was formerly the personal collaborator of Federal Councilor Simonetta Sommaruga.

And the NZZ on Sunday recently announced that Vincenzo Mascioli is now considered the most promising candidate to succeed outgoing Secretary of State Christine Schraner Burgener. Which is not to the taste of part of the right in Parliament, like Zurich UDC national councilor Gregor Rutz:

“I hope it’s not true”

Gregor Rutz, cited by the NZZ on Sunday

During a committee meeting, Vincenzo Mascioli apparently “lectured” politicians on the fact that certain demands such as transit agreements did not lead to the desired goal. His intervention clearly did not please everyone. The liberal-radical national councilor Christian Wasserfallen, who is not known to be a soft-spoken person, on the other hand defended Mascioli: he would not have an easy task, most of the time he has to convey bad news .

“He gives me the impression of being objective”

One way or another, Socialist Minister of Justice Beat Jans is expected to submit a proposal for the post of head of the SEM to the Federal Council in the near future. In any case, it is not a rewarding position.

Translated and adapted from German by Léa Krejci

The news in Switzerland is here



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