Gironde and Charente-Maritime on orange alert this Monday evening

Gironde and Charente-Maritime on orange alert this Monday evening
Gironde and Charente-Maritime on orange alert this Monday evening

From 7 p.m., this Monday, May 20, the two departments will switch to orange alert. They should be affected by an episode of rain tonight and tomorrow in northern Gironde and southern Charente-Maritime.

Météo France has just placed the two departments on orange alert for Monday evening and Tuesday morning. “A depression, centered on the north of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, organizes frequent showers in the region”, she indicates. “At the end of the afternoon, the precipitation will increase in Charente-Maritime and Gironde. The frequent showers will bring significant accumulations.”

A situation which should not improve overnight, quite the contrary. “LAccumulations could reach 50 to 80 mm, particularly between the south of Charente-Maritime and a large northern half of Gironde. indicates Météo France. “During the morning, precipitation becomes more scattered and then ends up evacuating towards the east of the region.” For the moment, the alert therefore runs until Tuesday, 10 a.m..

Vigicrues indicates that sections of the Seugne, the Seudre and the Bandiat-Tardoire are on yellow alert. A trend which should be on the rise in the evening.




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