“This time, it was nice, the government is not going to like what happens next”… Last night, the farmers of Haute-Garonne mobilized against precariousness near

“This time, it was nice, the government is not going to like what happens next”… Last night, the farmers of Haute-Garonne mobilized against precariousness near
“This time, it was nice, the government is not going to like what happens next”… Last night, the farmers of Haute-Garonne mobilized against precariousness near Toulouse

the essential
During the night from Wednesday to Thursday, several farmers from Haute-Garonne responded to the unions’ call to carry out a tarpaulin and panel reversal action. If they are not heard by the government, they promise to strike harder the next time.

A little less than a year has passed since the immense national mobilization of farmers which wreaked havoc throughout the country, notably through highway cuts. The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, had, on the sidelines of the Agricultural Show, made a series of announcements to try to calm the anger of an agricultural world which then felt like the fifth wheel of the carriage.

A year later, the situation has not really evolved in Haute-Garonne, at least not sufficiently in the eyes of agricultural unions like the Young Farmers and the Departmental Federation of Agricultural Operators’ Unions (FDSEA), which were active during the night of Wednesday to Thursday October 17 almost everywhere in the department, while Annie Genevard, Minister of Agriculture, is expected in (Pyrénées-Orientales) today.

Also read:
“We do not intend to be forgotten”: the Minister of Agriculture Annie Genevard invited by the FDSEA of Aude

Laure Serres is the president of FDSEA 31. Like dozens of colleagues, she participated in one of the demonstrations which consisted, yesterday, essentially of taking down city entrance signs to “confiscate” them and deploy them on roundabouts tarpaulins on which slogans could be read like: “Eating French means saving us!”

“The government is not going to like what happens next”

For her, successive governments are responsible for the current situation. “We show that we are there. We show that we have been forgotten, but that we have not forgotten the promises that were made to us. The changes of successive governments mean that elected officials pass the files on to each other without ever providing concrete solutions Today, we no longer want to wait. Our companies are all in financial difficulties, we live in precariousness and we have the feeling that our country doesn’t care about us. since that’s it, tonight, it’s nice, to remind them of their good memories, but if they don’t listen, they won’t like what happens next.”

Present yesterday in Castelmaurou to take down village entrance signs, Thomas Klunker, general secretary of JA 31, agreed with Laure Serres. “I am afraid that it is not enough to carry out these peaceful actions. Unfortunately, we have to reach extreme cases to be heard. Today, being a farmer in Haute-Garonne is very complicated. The context does not is this tender and we have to fight every day The minister in Perpignan? We don’t expect anything from her, because we no longer want to believe the politicians, it’s over. more than the balance of power. In any case, we have nothing more to lose.



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