Netanyahu calls on to support Israel

Netanyahu calls on to support Israel
Netanyahu calls on France to support Israel

Benyamin Netanyahu spoke in the columns of Figaro on Emmanuel Macron’s latest statements.

Regarding the French president’s call for an international embargo on arms used in Gaza and Lebanon by Israel, the Israeli Prime Minister said that should stand by him ” because it is our common civilization that we defend » and that the Hebrew State leads the fight « on seven fronts… against the Iranian axis of terror ».

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For Benyamin Netanyahu, the fight against Hamas and Hezbollah is necessary, since “ we are fighting people who hate all the values ​​that Europe defends “, he declared, before expressing his indignation at Emmanuel Macron’s call to stop sending weapons to Israel, ” just as Iran ensures its Middle East terrorist proxies are well supplied ». « I find this call shameful “, he castigated, pleading for France to modify its policy “ so that we can work together for the stability of Lebanon, as well as on other regional issues ».

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Israel n’a nothing against UNIFIL »

Benyamin Netanyahu also explained the recent attacks by the Israeli army on UNIFIL and the warning from France, Spain and Italy regarding these incidents. “ We have absolutely nothing against UNIFIL “, he assured, regretting that “ the mechanisms decided by UN Security Council Resolution 1701, after the Hezbollah-Israel war of summer 2006, have not been put in place “. Indeed, the resolution demanded that the only weapons present south of the Litani River, in Lebanon, be those of the Lebanese army. However, according to him, “ Hezbollah has dug hundreds of tunnels and caches, where we have just found a quantity of state-of-the-art Russian weapons ». « In almost twenty years, how many Hezbollah missiles has UNIFIL stopped? Zero, alas! “, he lamented.

« A lack of respect »

Asked about Emmanuel Macron’s remarks concerning the creation of the Hebrew state, Benjamin Netanyahu castigates the French president, judging that this is ” a sign of historical ignorance and disrespect “. For the Israeli leader, if the UN recognized the right of the Jewish people to a state, “ he certainly didn’t create it », et « saying that the UN created the State of Israel is a distressing distortion of history ».



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