Drôme: a mother files a complaint, the van carrying her mentally handicapped son was swept away by a river

Drôme: a mother files a complaint, the van carrying her mentally handicapped son was swept away by a river
Drôme: a mother files a complaint, the van carrying her mentally handicapped son was swept away by a river

One of the mothers of these six childrenvictims of van carried away by the Véore river in Beaumont-lès-Valence last Thursday, declares filing a complaint against the driver of the vehicle. None of the young people with mental disabilities cared for by the Montéléger IME were seriously injured, but four days later, Amandine is still stunned by the accident.

She explains that the path taken by the institute employee with the vehicle was not authorized by the IME. His son Noah, a 13-year-old autistic boy, “went out of the window. Landing in the water, he slipped. He was carried away by the currentsays Amandine. He said : ‘I’ve gone far.’ So he clung to the brambles, he pulled himself up to get out of the water: he had lost his pants, his favorite bracelet, his cap.”

“Mom, I thought I was going to die.”

The mother describes a traumatized son: “He tells me : ‘Mom, I thought I was going to die.’ He repeats it over and over again.” For her part, she says she is “tetanized” : “I tell myself that my son should never have gone through this ordeal. I oscillate between anger, shock and tears, to tell myself that today I could be in mourning and no longer have a son.”

“When we see the state of the river, it’s inconceivable and completely irresponsible to have made a commitment on the part of the accompanist”, continues Amandine. For her, the driver “nearly killed children.” “Mine got through it on his own. If he hadn’t had this strength of mind, he would have died. And she would be charged with manslaughter”, asks the mother.


Psychological support

According to Amandine, the Montéléger IME no longer authorizes its employee to drive disabled children. Noah’s mother wants the driver to be punished more heavily. She claims to file a complaint during the week, while she obtains a medical certificate showing her son’s injuries. The Montéléger institute offered psychological support to children and parents, according to Amandine. The IME has not responded to requests from France Bleu Drôme Ardèche for the moment.




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