This religious building in Haute- will be the subject of numerous works

Studies are underway to ensure that the Saint-Julien de Brioude basilica is brought up to electrical and fire standards, the renewal of its sound and lighting systems and the restoration of its western massif.

On April 15, 2019, the whole world had its eyes glued to the Notre-Dame de cathedral engulfed in flames. Once the disaster is under control, the emotion has passed, securing religious buildings becomes a real challenge for the public authorities. Their dilapidation, their often wooded structure, their sometimes complex configuration or even the treasures they contain make these sites particularly vulnerable. The Saint-Julien basilica, a jewel of Romanesque art, classified as a Historic Monument on the 1840 list, has its weaknesses.

Lighting and sound

“In 2021, we held a safety commission which identified quite a few dysfunctions,” recalls Fabien Covinhes, head of technical services for the City of Brioude. We added fire extinguishers and did a few things, but to obtain a favorable opinion from this commission and ensure everyone’s safety, major work to bring the building up to electrical and fire standards is necessary. »

Obviously, an exceptional site, an exceptional site. On the electricity side, the entire system must be reviewed.

“The electrical cabinet is not up to standard, the cables are obsolete, there are socket problems…”

Fabien Covinhes (Technical Services Manager)

And this renovation will, therefore, lead to two others: the building’s lighting and sound systems will be redesigned. “How can we better light the basilica? How can we highlight the works of art found there? This is what the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs and the Archipat architectural agency who are supporting us are working on, specifies Claire Gaillard, delegated municipal councilor. Regarding the sound system, it will involve replacing the old speakers. This part of the project will be taken care of by the parish. The assignee is involved in each site meeting. In a church, you don’t put just anything, anywhere! » Consultation with companies to carry out this work could be launched at the start of next year.


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State of play

The City of owns the basilica and is, therefore, responsible for its maintenance. Several months ago, she called on the Archipat firm, specializing in historical heritage, in order to obtain a very complete inventory of the site (buildings, furniture, painted decorations, etc.). This analysis made it possible to draw up a plan of interventions to be carried out in the short, medium and long term. The urgency being the security of the building, in particular by bringing it up to electrical and fire standards. Another priority: the restoration of the western massif. “Some stones are poorly jointed and we therefore have humidity problems in the Saint-Michel chapel. There are even traces of saltpeter on the transept gallery,” explains Claire Gaillard. The enhancement of the Paturiante Virgin and the restoration of certain paintings will follow.

Fire standards

To ensure that the place of worship also meets fire standards, the task is also immense. The attic must be insulated, a smoke extraction system installed, smoke detectors, various alarms and a general cut-off system put in place… “There has already been significant sorting and decluttering work that has been carried out,” Claire rewinds. Gaillard. The Drac and Archipat also carried out the proofing of the works of art (read opposite) and established a very precise safeguard plan which was transmitted to the firefighters. It allows you to know exactly what to do if a fire breaks out in the basilica: which works should be saved as a priority? How to unhook them? Where to store them? » The Leper Christ, the Parturient Virgin and the Virgin with the Bird are among the sixty treasures that the basilica contains.

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“For the record, during this inventory, the Drac noted that two works had disappeared since the last inventory: a handle from the 12th century, a knocker with a boar’s head as well as a dish of thirty deniers from the betrayal of Christ. »3578403498.jpg The Leper Christ of the Saint-Julien basilica

Environ 500.000 €

“For the implementation of electrical and fire standards, lighting and sound work, we have the costed study in advance of the sum of €500,000. It’s not a straw…” And the delegated municipal councilor, Claire Gaillard continued: “Budget-wise it’s obviously complicated. But the State is pushing us to move forward on the subject and we can count on the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs. »

Mathilde Fontès



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