bungee jumping from the Cluis viaduct

bungee jumping from the Cluis viaduct
bungee jumping from the Cluis viaduct

At the start of the season, the Accro’duc association must deal with the elements. The first bungee jump scheduled for March 17 from the Cluis viaduct had to be canceled due to the wind. On April 7, this time it was water that invaded the meadow bordering the Auzon river, causing the same consequences.

During every jump, safety comes first

If in the meantime, a session had been able to take place in good conditions at the Blanc viaduc, this sporting activity relaunched in 2023 on both sites by Angélique Gourinat and Thomas – who had been practicing it for ten years within the Oxygène 40 association – would give thirty-six sessions will take place in Brenne and Boischaut-Sud between now and November 2. This Sunday, the challenge will be to launch into the void from the parapet of the Cluis viaduct, which culminates fifty-two meters above the Auzon valley.

The jumps take place from the Auzon viaduct.
© (Photo association Accro’duc)

This leisure activity guided by the search for thrills is aimed at people with a minimum weight of 40 kg and a maximum of 130 kg, with a medical certificate for those over 55 years old. If the flight is short, the entire operation lasts about an hour, time for recommendations, harnessing, changing elastics depending on the jumper’s size, and reception.

“Safety is our number one concernexplains Thomas Minet. We never take risks, especially in the event of a side wind. » We can bet that all the required conditions will be met for this first meeting of the year, on a site set to take on even more importance with the upcoming arrival of the greenway which will link Argenton-sur-Creuse to La Châtre.

Jumping sessions Sunday May 18, from 1 p.m., at the Cluis viaduct. Possibility of registering on site depending on reservations. Price: €60, decreasing depending on the number of participants and the number of jumps. Video option: €30.




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