A first visit in seven years to the Acadian Peninsula for Justin Trudeau

On Thursday, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, returned to the Acadian Peninsula for the first time since 2017, when he came to see the damage of the ice crisis.

Many elected officials from the Chaleur regions and the Acadian Peninsula were present Thursday to meet Justin Trudeau during his visit to Caraquet.

A first trip to the region in seven years for the Prime Minister. And even if he has been rather discreet in recent years, elected officials are easy to forgive.

There are 300 and some constituencies [au Canada]. That’s almost one a day on top of his work. It takes a lot of time for a prime minister to cover all the ridings in Canadabelieves Daniel Guitard, the mayor of Belle-Baie and former Liberal provincial deputy.


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Daniel Guitard, mayor of Belle-Baie.

Photo: Courtesy city of Belle-Baie

The mayor of Tracadie, also a former Liberal MP, Denis Losier, agrees.

You have to understand that Canada is very big and I imagine that the Prime Minister is in great demand. I know that in recent years, he has tried to diversify his ads across Canada. You have to understand that there are many provinces and many localitieshe said

Trudeau not up to par according to a former NDP MP

But not everyone is as lenient towards the Liberal leader. The former NDP federal MP for Acadie-Bathurst from 1997 to 2015, Yvon Godin is unimpressed by the Liberal Prime Minister’s visit to Caraquet.

The official announcement of the national school feeding program by the Prime Minister on Thursday is not impressive, far from it, according to Yvon Godin. If we look at the announcement in Caraquet, it is sad to see a country forced to pay for children’s meals at school. That means there’s a system that doesn’t work somewhere.he believes.


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Yvon Godin, former MP for Acadie-Bathurst.

Photo: Radio-Canada

He lists what he considers to be the broken promises and failures of Justin Trudeau: the employment insurance reform which is still pending, the increase in homelessness, the rise in the cost of food and housing. and low job creation in the constituency.

He believes that He comes to announce meals in schools and he is proud of that. Yes, it’s nice to give meals in schools, but where’s the problem?”,”text”:”we’ve never had a government that took matters in hand for the northeast of New -Brunswick, for the Atlantic… He comes to announce meals in schools and he is proud of that. Yes, it’s great to give meals in schools, but where’s the problem?”}}”>we have never had a government that took things in hand for northeastern New Brunswick, for the Atlantic… He comes to announce meals in schools and he is proud of that. Yes, it’s great to give meals in schools, but where’s the problem?

According to a report by Réal Fradette



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