MyAssetRocks, expert in asset valuation for businesses, wins the Fundtruck Meeting stage

MyAssetRocks, expert in asset valuation for businesses, wins the Fundtruck Meeting stage
MyAssetRocks, expert in asset valuation for businesses, wins the Fundtruck Meeting stage

After meeting entrepreneurs from Bourgogne-Franche Comté and Paca, the Fundtruck made a stopover on the island of . On September 27, its jury crowned the winner of the MyAssetRocks stage, a startup specializing in the valorization of the physical assets of companies, this set of goods ranging from warehouses to construction machinery through the labs, offices and various equipment in which they have invested and which they only use on average at… 50% of their capacity.

It was to put an end to this under-exploitation of resources that almost two years ago, Olivier Narayanin had the idea of ​​creating MyAssetRocks, a solution intended to “ enable businesses to turn idle assets into growth opportunities “. Just as, he recalls, individuals have been doing so for years through platforms such as Airbnb, dedicated to the pooling of their goods. when not in use ».

Disruptive approach

A classic concept in short which, for companies, nevertheless implies a real change in habits. “ For them, it is a disruptive approach, explains the founder of MyAssetRocks, since it leads them, depending on their needs, to become renters and tenants in turn “. To do this, he imagines a platform capable of fulfilling the dual function of asset management software, in order to make known the availability of these different goods internally, and of a marketplace, to make them available, when they are unused, other companies, whether subsidiaries, subcontractors and suppliers, or other market participants.

« Our solution allows companies to better use their assets by planning their use internally via a platform that allows employees to reserve what they need in real time and, when an asset is not used, to offer it to rental to other professionals », summarizes Olivier Narayanin.

Financial, operational and environmental optimization

Enough to enable businesses, “ to make their physical assets profitable by ensuring that, even if they are not used internally, they continue to create cash flow.” But for the founder of MyAssetRocks, the value created goes well beyond the financial benefits.

In addition to the financial optimization effect, there are two others, he explains. “ The operational optimization that the platform allows by identifying assets, planning their use and allocating resources according to the needs of each employee; and the environmental optimization that it generates by reducing the company’s carbon footprint and integrating it into a circular economy logic thanks to the pooling of its assets.s ».


Operational for only a few months, MyAssetRocks already has around ten followers. To continue its momentum, the startup must now recruit: tech developers to further enrich the tool and salespeople to continue the “ evangelization work initiated with economic players to convince them that this new form of valorization is possible, secure and beneficial ».

« For this, we need to raise one million euros », summarizes its founder who is counting on his recent victory at Fundtruck to gain visibility and attract the interest of investors. “ This is what will allow us to deploy in , he explains. And then in Germany, Italy and Spain until we established ourselves as a leading player in the sector ».



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