Weather: has Indian summer arrived in ?

Bright sunshine and rising temperatures: after a few weeks of cold, the heat seems to be returning to . Can we talk about Indian summer in ?

This beginning ofautumn was marked by the cold and (very) numerous rains : the month of September saw temperatures lower than average, and theouragan Kirk put France on alert. And yet, for several days, temperatures have been rising.

After a chaotic start to autumn, it seems that the weather has changed suddenly. If the rain persists in places, we still benefit from temperatures very mild: 18, 20, and even 26°C in the South of France. Enough to make us want to bring out the swimsuit!

Visual ParisOpéra Montmartre grayVisual ParisOpéra Montmartre gray Weather in Paris and Ile-de-France this Thursday October 17, 2024 and tomorrow
What is the weather like in Paris and Île-de-France at the moment? Monitor the weather every day before making your outing schedule. Whether it’s rain, snow or sun, whether it’s cold or hot, good or bad, the capital is yours! Here is your weather report in Paris and Île-de-France this Thursday October 17, 2024 [Lire la suite]

With the return of sunny days, after this cold period, can we talk aboutindian summer ? Weather France explains to us what is hidden behind this expression often used in the fall.

« The term “Indian summer”, which designates a particular period of good weather in Canada between October and November, is used incorrectly in France to define a situation of good weather in the fall. », Explains the institution from the outset.

Au Canada, Indian summer therefore designates a sunny period, where temperatures are very mild, and which occurs after a period of frost. For about a week, temperatures can exceed 18°C, even though they were closer to 0°C the previous days. A situation that seems very familiar to us in France.

However, Météo France insists: we cannot, technically, speak of an Indian summer on our side of the ocean. Indeed, Indian summer describes a phenomenon specific to the continental climate of North America. However, in France, our climate is much more moderate, and we do not experience the same extreme temperature variations as those observed in Canada. Thus, our frosts are less violent, and the rise in temperatures is less marked. “ Climate variability is simply lower than in North America, and an “Indian summer” type situation using the North American definition is therefore improbable there. », concludes Météo France.

Even though the scientific term “Indian summer” would not be appropriate in France, that does not prevent us from taking advantage of these beautiful days. Here are some suggestions for sorties to have fun and relax during the next few days.

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When Paris takes on the colors of the Indian summer, the outings adapt to allow us to enjoy the beautiful days that continue. Unique rooftops, unusual activities and festive cruises, here are the best spots to enjoy this beautiful period. [Lire la suite]




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