Fires in Gironde: two years later, nature regains its rights in the user forest of La Teste

Fires in Gironde: two years later, nature regains its rights in the user forest of La Teste
Fires in Gironde: two years later, nature regains its rights in the user forest of La Teste

The pines are growing back in the used forest of La Teste-de-Buch. Almost two years after the terrible fire of July 2022, We are already seeing trees of 30 to 40 centimeters. 70% of the 3,800 hectares of this forest went up in smokenot to mention the attacks of bark beetle insects, but nature is slowly taking back its rights.

And man has nothing to do with it! Pine seeds that fell from burned trees germinated. The forest regenerates naturally. It will take several decades before we return to the landscapes before the fire, but in the opinion of observers, the lights are green!

“Deer came to our forest”

Jean-Claude Dupoy, member of ADDUFU, the Association for the Defense of User Rights and User Forests, explains: “We can consider that the user forest is coming back to life. It is regenerating with pines as well as strawberry trees, oaks and birches. We even noticed that deer came into our forest when there were none Before.”

This Thursday morning children from the Miquelots school in La Teste went to the massif alongside ADDUFU volunteers. The opportunity to understand the keys to this regeneration.



