4th edition of the Services Days: meeting from October 7 to 19, 2024 – News

4th edition of the Services Days: meeting from October 7 to 19, 2024 – News
4th edition of the France Services Days: meeting from October 7 to 19, 2024 – News

Updated on 14/10/2024

For this 4th edition of the Services Days, the network is mobilizing with two weeks of events from October 7 to 19, 2024. In total, more than 5,600 events are organized throughout the country to strengthen awareness among the general public.

Building on the success of the last three editions, and in order to increase awareness of the services offered within the France services structures, the general public and elected officials are invited to go to the France services closest to them to discover this model. access to public services.

They provide access to the main public service organizations in a single location to receive support in their administrative procedures. Vehicle registration, RSA, taxes, driving licenses, access to online services… France Services advisors are trained to support users in their daily procedures.

Organized at the initiative of the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT), national pilot of the network of more than 2,750 France services labeled to date, these France Services Days will take place from October 7 to 19, 2024, on all the territory.

They are directly part of a “reaching out” approach to users and a dynamic of continuous improvement in the quality of service, at the heart of the France Services program since its launch.

For this 4th edition, the Ariège network is mobilizing with numerous events organized throughout the department from October 7 to 19, 2024.

Catherine Lupion, sub-prefect of the district of St-Girons, will be present at the France services of Varilhes, on October 11 at 10:00 a.m. alongside Thomas Fromentin, president of the community of the Foix-Varilhes agglomeration, on the occasion workshops on digital support, France-services missions and employment. This visit will be followed by a press briefing. She will also be on October 17 at 10:00 a.m. at France-Services in St-Girons, for the launch of an information day on retirement, with the participation of CARSAT and MSA teams.

The prefect Simon Bertoux will go to meet the partners and participants of the operation organized at the MSA of Foix, on October 15 at 2:00 p.m. in partnership with France-Travail, particularly around recruitment aid and the region’s employment needs. .

Discover all the activities offered near you on the dedicated map

For this edition, these are already more than 5,700 events already referenced and more than 1,320 France services who mobilized alongside 11 national partners and local operators.




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