Discover the brand new bpost distribution center in Evere: this site has great specificity

Bpost presented to the press on Thursday its new distribution center installed in a brand new building in the Brussels municipality of Evere. This site is the first of the postal company to be completely carbon neutral.

The new infrastructure accommodates 275 workers who currently serve the localities of Evere, Haren, Schaerbeek and Woluwe-Saint-Lambert. A fifth commune will be added in June, when the postmen from Woluwe-Saint-Pierre will join the center.

The latter extends over more than 5,000 m2 and was designed to combine respect for the environment and the well-being of workers. “Bpost needs an in-depth transformation to adapt to the market“, explained the CEO of bpost Belgium, Jos Donville. “Today, there are fewer and fewer letters and more and more parcels, so more storage space is needed in order to optimize operations and have a better workspace for employees.

The building incorporates an intelligent lighting system, which notably reduces the brightness when the postmen are on tour. The roof accommodates more than 1,200 m2 of solar panels and the temperature is regulated by an electric heat pump. The center does not use any fossil fuels.

A rainwater recovery system for sanitary use was installed and the site was designed to encourage the infiltration of water into the soil rather than returning it to the sewer. This last device “was a requirement of Brussels Environment for the issuance of the permit“, said Christine Herman, project manager at bpost.

There was also a focus on touring vehicles with 22 bicycles and 55 electric vans. The long-term objective is to electrify the entire fleet. Around a hundred charging stations have been installed in the center’s parking lot.

Bpost distribution center evere ecology



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