Childhood friends, Suzanne and Raymonde celebrated their 100th anniversary together in Lot-et-Garonne

Childhood friends, Suzanne and Raymonde celebrated their 100th anniversary together in Lot-et-Garonne
Childhood friends, Suzanne and Raymonde celebrated their 100th anniversary together in Lot-et-Garonne


Editorial team Le Républicain Marmande

Published on

May 15, 2024 at 6:48 a.m.

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Suzanne Castayre and Raymonde Daniel are two children of village. They were born and raised in Port-Sainte-Marie (Lot-et-Garonne). At the beginning of May 2024, they celebrated their 100th birthday at the EHPAD in which they live.

The two women are still very close. Besides, Suzanne and Raymonde still hold hands like when they went to the village school.

Beautiful shared memories

The years have passed, Suzanne and Raymonde can now share beautiful shared memoriesin particular all the beautiful trips they sometimes made to distant countries.

Suzanne has always been hairdresser in Port-Sainte-Marie, first in Romas then rue Henri Barbusse where she had her salon, she had two daughters, Liliane and Régine. For her part, Raymonde was a farmer’s wife, she also had two daughters, Marie-Claude and Nicole.

The two women do not lack personality. It is in the presence of their loved ones and family that Suzanne and Raymonde celebrated their 100th birthday. The Mayor of Port-Sainte-Marie, Jacky Larroy, who knows his constituents well, made the trip, accompanied by Josiane Zanardo, also elected to the Port town hall, to present a bouquet and wish a happy birthday to the two centenarians.

By Jacky Langlais

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