parliamentarians demand a moratorium from the Minister of Transport

parliamentarians demand a moratorium from the Minister of Transport
Gironde parliamentarians demand a moratorium from the Minister of Transport


Edwin Bleunven

Published on

Oct 11, 2024 at 5:12 p.m.

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While Les Uprisings of the Earth and LGV Non Merci are organizing a rally in Lerm-et-Musset, elected parliamentary representatives from Gironde also want to make their voices heard their arguments against the - high-speed line (LGV) project.

They sent a letter for a “ urgent moratorium» to the new Minister of Transport, François Duvovray.

Request for a major moratorium against the Bordeaux-Toulouse LGV

“After a thorough examination of their ecological impactseconomic and on everyday transport, it seems obvious that the justification for this work is no longer tenable. »

The parliamentary committee composed of deputies and senators from Gironde persists and signs. For him, the Great South-West Rail Project (GPSO) must be stopped .

The LGV, what is it?

The Grand South-West Rail Project (GPSO), which recently became the New South-West Line, should make it possible to create high-speed lines to connect Bordeaux and Toulouse in particular. Announced cost: 14.3 billion. The project must be financed 40% by the State, 20% by the European Union, 40% for local authorities.
Many groups and opponents denounce ecological madness, in particular because of its passage in the Ciron valley, and an estimated cost well below reality.

Gironde elected officials are calling for a major moratorium on planned work in a letter addressed to the Minister of Transport.

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The authors are the deputies Mathilde Feld, Loïc Prud’homme ( Insoumise), Nicolas Thierry (Ecologist) and Sophie Mette (presidential majority); senators Monique de Marco, Laurence Harribey, Hervé Gillé (Socialist Party) and Florence Lassarade (Les Républicains), who make up the parliamentary pole opposed to the GPSO.

They had already requested a moratorium from the Prime Minister and wanted to reaffirm their “attachment to a reasoned dialogue and appeased rather than passing by force.”

The arguments of elected officials

In this letter, the members of the parliamentary pole return to several points and state their arguments against the project:

  • “This project will meet neither the decarbonization objectives nor the current needs to combat global warming. There destructionnatural spaces, such as that of Ciron, hot spot of biodiversity would endanger an ecosystem of great biological wealth”
  • “The uselessness of the railway developments south of Bordeaux (AFSB) has been clearly established by expertsindependent in railway management »
  • “The Bordeaux- section of the GPSO project is a real aberration both economically and environmentally. In fact, the modernization work on the existing line is almost 80% complete, and only 20% remains to be completed to offer travel times almost identical to those of the LGV”

In their missive, they also request a meeting with the Minister of Transport in order to present their argument at greater length and “draw together a new roadmap”.

“Prevent anger from getting out of control”

At the end, the parliamentary pole underlines “the need for decision-making bodies to take into account” the mobilization of local associations against the project in order to “avoid that the angergrowing number of citizens does not becomeuncontrollable ».

In order to “support the Emergency Braking mobilization” this weekend in Lerm-et-Musset, Loïc Prud’homme, deputy member of the parliamentary pole, will go to the site on Saturday October 12, 2024.

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