Nighttime spectacle: Northern lights seen in the Swiss sky

Nighttime spectacle: Northern lights seen in the Swiss sky
Nighttime spectacle: Northern lights seen in the Swiss sky

Northern Lights seen in Swiss skies

A solar storm allowed the appearance of the Northern Lights in the Swiss sky this Thursday evening. A rare event.

Published: 10/10/2024, 11:51 p.m.

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Northern lights were visible in places in the Swiss sky on Thursday evening. They were recorded by various webcams, including that of Weisshorn Arosa in Graubünden. Due to variable cloud cover, the show could not be observed everywhere.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the polar lights are also called the northern lights. Such northern lights are rare in Alpine regions, says MeteoNews. They are especially known in the polar regions.

The Northern Lights form when electrically charged particles from the solar wind encounter oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the upper layers of Earth’s atmosphere and ionize them. This is how the different colors are formed. In the green zone, the northern lights come from an altitude of about 100 to 200 kilometers, in the red zone from an altitude above 200 kilometers.


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