We tested: the online Challenge-Escape puzzle game

Défi-Évasion were the first to offer immersive games in Quebec. They now have another branch in Lévis. During covid, they decided not to let it get them down and have since been offering escape games (or puzzle games)… ONLINE! On their website, there is now the “at home” section and the “outdoor routes” section.. There you can see all the themes they offer, with the level of difficulty, the scenarios, the average time needed to finish the game, and the minimum age required for participants.

Instructions for purchasing a game are clear ; Simply add the game to your cart, along with the number of participating players, and make the purchase. Subsequently, you can invite other participants to register, and everyone can start the game from their computer or phone !

We were therefore fortunate to be able to test their two Challenge-Escape puzzle game scenarios: Destination Soleil and The Return of the Creatures.

Destination Soleil: un Challenge-Escape puzzle game to do at home


Because it’s winter and it’s very cold here in Quebec, we decide to take a short week’s vacation in the sun ! After a few hours on the plane, we arrived at our all-inclusive hotel. Neither one nor two, we find out about the activities to do and the hotel tells us that a competition will take place. The prize: an extension of vacation is offered to the person or people who win the most events!

Beyond the attraction of a few extra days of vacation, it is above all our competitive spirit that pushes us to want to win these events. So here we are registered and ready to win!


Setting up the game is quite simple. Once you and your gang have chosen your scenario, you just have to prepare the logistics. So think about plan a video chat outside of the gamevia Zoom, Google Meet or Messenger for example. This will allow you to discuss the puzzles and find the solutions together. Then equip yourself witha sheet of paper and a pencil, here we go !

You have to decipher several puzzles with your gang : decipher secret codes, do calculations, listen to a video… Make your brain work! To move from one step to another, there is a secret code to find. Once decrypted, each player enters it on their computer in order to move on to the next enigma. And here we go again with a new enigma.

As with a classic escape game, everyone has their strengths… and their weaknesses. And even if we all have access to the same content, you can distribute the “tasks” (or thinking) between each player. The game is truly interactiveand you can’t do anything other than work as a team to move forward. You are very quickly immersed in the scenario, and you almost forget that the cooperation is virtual.


Marie’s opinion

I really had a good time. When I saw that the level of the game was “beginner-intermediate” I told myself that it was going to be an easy game. I was wrong! Even with four players ready to fight and the clues helping us a lot, we had to click on the very scary “Solution” button because we hadn’t decoded one of the codes! We were close, however, but our brains, tired from the previous enigmas, no longer wanted to know anything.

The advantage of online gaming is that even when you get stuck, you can see the solution and still get to the next puzzle. We were off to such a good start that we even decided to do the bonuses! Two hours well worth the money!

Léa’s opinion

I’m not usually a big fan of escape games, I felt like a “fish in water” during this activity. Especially because there was no stress of having to leave the room in less than an hour. I had a great time with the gang !

Jennifer’s opinion

You have to admit it, It’s so cool to do an activity that changes! After a year of reading and wandering the alleys of my neighborhood, I was very happy to participate in something NEW. Plus, I really had the feeling of spending two hours with my friends – it was good to be gathered around a game! Even while remaining focused, we chat, we fool around, we laugh, and it feels so good. No timer so no stress – we have time to search as much as we can to save our honor before clicking the button Solution (which only happened once – phew!)

It’s nice to find a little challenge againto be stimulated and to scream in front of your computer, full of adrenaline and the desire to win. Brief, good value for money/fun – I recommend!

The return of the creatures: a Challenge-Escape course to discover Old Montreal


As every year, monstrous creatures arrive in Montreal. But luckily, the world is full of “watchers”. Their job? Light magic lanterns that keep those monsters at bay until they return to their world, where they don’t bother anyone. Well, guess what? It was our turn! We are officially protectors of the city.


Setting up the game is super easy. It’s quite similar to Destination Soleil, in form. Except that instead of being quietly at home behind your screen, you’re going to have to take your cell phone to walk around Old Montreal. There are as many places to go as there are creatures to put to sleep. Given that this is a puzzle game, unsurprisingly, you will have to decipher several riddleseh! And in this game too, you will need to find a secret code to move from one stage to anotheror rather from one creature to another.


Elisabeth’s opinion

Just like Marie with the Destination Soleil game, the “beginner-intermediate” level tests were definitely more complex than I expected. And attempting this adventure in the evening with children who quickly got tired was clearly not the best idea of ​​my life. Especially having only one phone with the game installed, it was quite difficult to get them involved. It is true that the site strongly recommends that each participant purchase their own game. This wasn’t possible in our case, but it’s clearly difficult to get past.

We still spent a good 2 hours playing (without being able to reach the end.) Despite everything, I do not regret having tried the experiment. I found the concept very interesting and it’s always very pleasant to walk through Old Montreal. To be done again in better conditions!

Camille’s opinion

I was able to try the experiment with 3 other people and we passed a super nice evening ! The first riddle confused us a little but then we totally got into the game. What you should look for is not clearly explained and that’s what’s trippy. It’s necessary read the questions carefully but above all observe all the elements available to you on the phone as well as the elements around you in the city. The mechanics from one lantern to another are never completely the same hence the strength of being a team, each brain has its strengths.

It is clearly more practical if several participants have the game on their phone, but when you start the adventure, you will have the possibility to download the clues on a document that can be shared with those who are not connected. This Défi-Evasion game is clearly a perfect activity for your fall !


Despite the cost of the online escape game to take into consideration ($20 per person), Défi-Évasion offers a super good way to spend an evening and have a good time with friends or family. For a few minutes – a few hours in our case – we all rack our brains together to solve puzzles. Enough to have a good time.

Book your session now with your gang from the Défi-Évasion website!



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