A forum on small modular reactors in Alberta

A forum on small modular reactors in Alberta
A forum on small modular reactors in Alberta

A forum on small nuclear reactors, taking place in Edmonton, is looking at how to integrate this technology in Alberta to ensure a carbon neutral future. According to some experts in the nuclear industry, one of the priorities is to convince public opinion public.

Adam Sweetdirector at Clean Prosperity for the Western Canadian region, believes that installing small modular reactors in the province is essential to have a diversified energy strategy in Alberta [notamment pour] reduce emissions and grow the economy.

It’s about adopting a diversified approach to our energy development.

A quote from Adam Sweet, director at Clean Prosperity

However, he points out that this technology faces challenges, such as cost and public opinion.

We cannot spend billions of dollars to build a nuclear power plant if the demand for electricity is not there.he said, adding that nuclear power is a misunderstood technology.

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Adam Sweet says the three challenges of this technology are cost, investment and social acceptability.

Photo : Radio-Canada / Arouna Sissoko

People have very strong opinions. So it’s about getting involved with the community to make sure that we’re able to move things forward in a way that people see themselves as part of the solution.he explains.

According to him, public trust must be gained for it to be adopted, but ways must also be found to encourage funding.

The small modular reactors produce up to 300 megawatts of energy, enough to power 300,000 homes.

Alberta has already expressed interest in small modular reactors. The mandate letter of the Minister of Energy and Minerals, Brian Jean, also mentions nuclear energy.

In Ontario, approximately 60% of the electricity produced comes from nuclear energy. The Ontario government plans in particular to build three small modular reactors.

Kevin Boschchair of the advisory committee of the Canadian Small Modular Reactor Association, points out that this technology is not new, but that it is now starting to be increasingly deployed.

They are currently installed all over the world […]. This is a reality and since it takes time to build these reactors, we need to plan now.

According to information from Marc-Antoine Leblanc



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