These three species of animals, once common in Belgium, have completely disappeared

These three species of animals, once common in Belgium, have completely disappeared
These three species of animals, once common in Belgium, have completely disappeared
Good news in Wallonia: extinct for 40 years, the green tree frog reproduces naturally here

IF many animalslike the panda, the rhino, the tiger, the brown and polar bear or the elephant are among the endangered species, this is also the case for our animals. If the loup is surely the most popular example, other species are concerned.

Moreover, some have already completely disappeared at our place. In 2019, for example, there were three species extinct in Wallonia. These are our colleagues from RTL info who brought this sad information to light. Thus, we learned that the large field hamsterthe hoary woodpecker as well as the wood grouse had disappeared. Anthony Kholer, deputy head of the Han-sur-Lesse reserve, explained: “We have reached a level such that we are no longer able to detect enough individuals to speak of a population still present”.

Touching images of a baby Javan rhino: “a glimmer of hope for a species on the brink of extinction”

If these species disappear, it is because of several problems. “The difficulties they face are mainly loss of inhabitants, fragmentation of their habitat, therefore less favorable habitats, habitats that are fragmented, which means that populations find themselves isolated.” The “disturbance and lack of protective measures” would also be the reason for the disappearance of certain species.

Earlier in 2019, our colleagues at Mosquitoes had also sounded the alarm, revealing that more than 10% of our country’s historical species were off. Since 1850, this represented the disappearance of 315 species in Belgium. Of the remaining species, 35% were threatened…



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