Village Initiative in Morocco, a big step forward

The Village initiative, led by Orange Maroc through its Foundation, is taking a new important step in its deployment in Anamrou, in the Al Haouz region. This project, carried out in partnership with the Essalam Foundation, aims to improve the living conditions of the 600 inhabitants of the village, with particular emphasis on women and young people.

The project includes several axes, including the renovation of essential infrastructure, such as the primary school, as well as the electrification of the village. Furthermore, economic support programs are underway to develop local income-generating activities, thus contributing to sustainable and inclusive development.

The General Manager of Orange Maroc, Mr. Hendrik Kasteel, expressed his satisfaction with the progress made: “We are extremely proud to see the first fruits of our commitment in Anamrou. This project concretizes our desire to contribute to positive and sustainable development in Morocco. »

The Orange Maroc Foundation is planning major work to improve the village’s infrastructure. This work includes the installation of a sanitation system, the excavation of alleys, the installation of photovoltaic lighting and network coverage to facilitate connectivity for residents.

At the same time, emphasis is placed on schooling with the reconstruction of the primary school, the construction of a library, the renovation of the courtyard and the construction of housing for teachers. The objective is to create a conducive educational environment for the children and young people of Anamrou.

The Orange Village project is not limited to infrastructure renovation. It also encompasses the economic development of the village through the creation of cooperatives and income-generating activities. Among the projects identified are the production of aromatic plants, the valorization of apiaries and the production of cheese. These initiatives aim to offer residents, and particularly women, sustainable economic opportunities.

A capacity development center for women and young people will also be set up, in order to support them in their professional projects and strengthen their economic inclusion.

The Orange Village initiative also mobilized numerous volunteers, notably through the “Orange Engage for Change” program. These volunteers actively participated in the actions carried out in Anamrou, such as the distribution of donations, reforestation and the decontamination of the Douar valley. Their commitment strengthens the scope of the project and highlights the importance of volunteering for inclusive social development.


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