A tennis figure from Yvelines has died

A tennis figure from Yvelines has died
A tennis figure from Yvelines has died

By Alexandre Marque
Published on

10 May 24 at 11:08

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A figure of the city of Pleasure and Yvelines tennis went away. Norbert Rampolla died on May 7, 2024 at the age of 83, following an illness.

Treasurer of the French Tennis Federation

Norbert Rampolla was involved at the associative level. President of the Plaisir tennis club (1978-1989), he was then president of the Yvelines Tennis League for 28 years (1989-2017) and general treasurer of the French Tennis Federation (1993-2009) alongside Philippe Chatrier then Christian Bîmes. As such, he participated in the rebirth of Roland-Garros. Before ending his career as president of the tennis superior council (2017-2021).

“He is a personality who left his mark on Yvelin and national tennis. He promoted tennis in all areas. He had great rigor, he always wanted perfection. He was able to bring the League to a very healthy financial situation. »

Francis Eveillard, president of the Yvelines tennis committee, who worked alongside him before taking over from him in 2017

“He took things seriously. He was always keen to succeed,” confirms Charles Giordano, president of the Plaisir Tennis Club, who succeeded him at the head of the club. ” We will miss him. I’m losing a friend,” he adds, very moved.

Assistant to Pleasure Sports for 13 years

Norbert Rampolla was also involved in politics in 2001. He became deputy mayor for youth and sports in Plaisir on the occasion of the election of Joël Regnault as head of the town hall. He will remain so until 2014. “Throughout his two mandates, he was a committed and stubborn architect of sports policy in our city,” Joséphine Kollmannsberger, mayor of Plaisir, paid tribute to him on social networks.

Norbert Rampolla is notably at the origin of the Sports Palace Pierre-de-Coubertin and the Maison des Sports, which has also borne his name since June 2023. During this inauguration, he appeared very weakened.

His funeral will be celebrated on May 21 at the Saint-Pierre de Plaisir church.

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