Swore. A fire breaks out at Millet Plastic in Meussia

Swore. A fire breaks out at Millet Plastic in Meussia
Swore. A fire breaks out at Millet Plastic in Meussia

This Thursday, May 9, while the factory was shut down during this long public holiday weekend, a fire broke out at 7 rue de Champagne in Meussia, in the upper Jura, in the Millet Plastic Group factory. .

The mayor sounds the alarm

It was Isabelle Tissot, mayor of the town, who, seeing black smoke emanating from the industrial building, called the firefighters shortly before 3 p.m. Coming from the barracks of Saint-Claude, La Bienne and Moirans-en-Montagne, the fire fighters managed to contain the fire in the electrical room, where it started without it spreading to the rest of the building.

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At 4:30 p.m., firefighters, under the order of Lieutenant Guillaume Colas, were still working to extinguish the fire and assess the damage. During the rescue operations, Enedis cut power, impacting a handful of homes in Charchilla, connected to the same network.




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