In Seine-et-, to survive, tobacconists must reinvent themselves

In Seine-et-, to survive, tobacconists must reinvent themselves
In Seine-et-Marne, to survive, tobacconists must reinvent themselves


Audrey Gruaz

Published on

6 oct. 2024 à 12h06

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With 40% of tobacco turnover going through a parallel circuit, associated with the decline in tobacco consumption, the future of tobacconists is not very encouraging. Seine-et-Marne still counts 392 tobacconists (there are 23,000 in ), but this figure could well decrease drastically in the coming years if nothing is done.

A day of transformation of tobacconists in

On Wednesday October 2, 2024, the federation of tobacconists organized a “transformation day” in Meaux. Before bringing together the tobacconists for an evening of presentation of the tools at their disposal, the president of the regional federation and his team went to meet several tobacconists from Meaux to hear their comments and take the pulse.

“Transformation is obvious for restore appeal to our businesses”, underlines Philippe Alauze, president of the federation of tobacconists of Ile-de-France. “We are here to give tools to tobacconists,” he continues.

And even if everyone is aware that the product sold is harmful to the health of those who consume it and addictive, the federation assures that “it is essential that tobacconists are professionals in the sale of this product”.

Transform, yes, but towards what?

To compensate for the loss of turnover linked to the sale of tobacco, tobacconists have already largely started to diversify their business. And it’s not from yesterday. Starting with the sale of newspapers or the sale of drinks when the tobacco business is coupled with a bar.

An agreement with the French games also largely contributed to providing them with additional income. But that’s not enough anymore. In addition to additional income to be obtained, the federalist of tobacconists also wants rejuvenate the image of its stores.

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“Today, we must develop proximity payments and offer new products”, assures Philippe Alauze who recalls that it is “already possible to pay for your children’s canteen or even your toll at the tobacconists”.

And after having missed the vaping bandwagon 10 years ago, by the federation’s own admission, tobacconists are trying to reclaim the market. They are also looking towards the CBD which has also become widespread in our city centers.

The constant decline in turnover linked to the sale of tobacco is forcing tobacconists to sell other products. ©Illustration/News

To succeed in this transformation, tobacconists can mobilize a budget allocated by the State, particularly for the layout of stores. It is with this argument that the federation intends to convince its tobacconists to take the plunge in the work. “We have an opportunity to modernize,” concedes Angelo Santoro, tobacconist and newsagent based for 4 years on rue du Général-Leclerc in Meaux. To compensate for the drop in turnover, particularly in tobacco, the Santoro couple has already opened their store to other products: “we offer other services such as Nickel accounts, but also mobile phone accessories and products for vaping, they are complementary to tobacco,” underlines Angelo Santoro.

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