The Gambian army and that of Senegal join forces to ensure border security

The Gambian army and that of Senegal join forces to ensure border security
The Gambian army and that of Senegal join forces to ensure border security

For 72 hours, the Gambian and Senegalese Defense and Security Forces scoured the North East of the Kolda region as far as Bassi, on Gambian soil. An initiative which is part of securing the borders between the two States.

“The two sections evolved together to provide a response to the security of the two countries. These patrols aim to reassure the populations and give them a strong signal from two forces that can work together to provide them with security,” declared Théodore Adrien Sarr, commander of military zone no. 6 of Kolda.

Although the two countries are spared from terrorism unlike the countries of the sub-region, the two States do not intend to let down their guard.

“What is happening today reflects our desire to unite efforts on the security level. We are the same people, we have the same cultures and practice the same religions. So, we have condemned ourselves to work hand in hand for our own security,” indicated Lieutenant Colonel Sadio Diédhiou, infantry commander of the Gambian army, speaking to Iradio.




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