“The decision of the CJEU on the Agreements with Morocco is a serious error” (Tiago Moreira de Sá, Portuguese MEP)

“The decision of the CJEU on the Agreements with Morocco is a serious error” (Tiago Moreira de Sá, Portuguese MEP)
“The decision of the CJEU on the Agreements with Morocco is a serious error” (Tiago Moreira de Sá, Portuguese MEP)

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The decision of the Court of Justice of the EU on the EU-Morocco Fisheries and Agriculture Agreements is causing a real outcry among MEPs. Tiago Moreira de Sá, also a professor at the New University of Lisbon and a researcher at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations, describes the CJEU’s judgments as a “serious error”. Here’s why.

“The decision of the Court of Justice of the EU on the agreements with Morocco is a serious error! The Polisario Front, without representative legitimacy, is undermining a crucial strategic partnership. We must strengthen cooperation with Morocco, a reliable partner, and not give in to any ideological pressure. Portugal and the EU must maintain all agreements that benefit our economic and geopolitical interests.”

Who is Tiago da Mota Veiga Moreira de Sá?

Tiago da Mota Veiga Moreira de Sáborn January 12, 1971 in Lisbon, is a Portuguese academic and politician, member of the Chega party (right). He is a professor at the New University of Lisbon and a researcher at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations. He is a deputy in the Assembly of the Republic from 2022 to 2024 and a European deputy since 2024.

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