The Scouts and Guides of of Cahors are looking for supervisors for their projects

The Scouts and Guides of of Cahors are looking for supervisors for their projects
The Scouts and Guides of France of Cahors are looking for supervisors for their projects


Marie-Cécile Itier

Published on

Oct. 6 2024 at 7:00 am

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That’s it! THE Scouts and Guides of of Cahors returned to school on Sunday September 8, 2024 at Mont Saint-Cyr under rain and sun.

The Leprechauns in apple green shirts (6 – 8 years old), the Cub Scouts in orange shirts (8 – 11 years old), the Scouts-Guides in blue shirts (11 – 14 years old), the Pioneers-Caravelles in red shirts ( 14 – 17 years old) and the pilot team in purple shirts played, welcomed the new ones, and prayed with joy and good humor. The units are full and the leaders are happy to see the young people and their parents.

A Catholic youth and popular education movement

As a reminder, the Scouts and Guides of France are a Catholic youth and popular education movement. The association is welcoming to everyone, without distinction of nationality, culture, social origin or belief. “Building your personality”, “Living together”, “Educating boys and girls (girl-boy equality)” and “Inhabiting the planet differently” are the four axes of the educational project* that the scouts develop according to age.

Become a chef

But to keep the Cahors group alive, the scouts are always looking for young adults aged 18 and over who are willing to live and pass on the values ​​of French scouting to children.

Rise of Maxwell colors to the top. ©Scouts de France group from Cahors.
Videos: currently on Actu

No need to have been a scout in your youth! Everything can be learned, desire counts. Newcomers will be trained and their BAFA will be financed. All leaders must follow, in addition to the BAFA, various training courses on the obligation and how to ensure the physical, emotional and moral safety of minors.

Being a chef also and above all means training yourself to create projects, organize events, think about the values ​​you want to transmit, and help young people live their dreams.

In short, being a chef means surpassing yourself and preparing for your adult life! A real plus for your professional and personal future.

An ambitious project for next summer

This summer, the Pionniers-Caravelles plan to join a Jamboree, a gathering of 20,000 young people aged 14 to 20 around the Clameurs project! The objective? Participate together in building the world of tomorrow. Just that!

They are then actively looking for their future chefs, young adults aged at least 21. Be careful, this is a group of hyper-motivated (and super friendly…) young people with overflowing imaginative ideas!

To finance their project, they offer services such as babysitting or small maintenance work (gardening, cleaning, etc.). The movement also accepts donations.


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