The enthusiasm around AI is also reaching Swiss public administrations

The enthusiasm around AI is also reaching Swiss public administrations
The enthusiasm around AI is also reaching Swiss public administrations

Published on May 8, 2024 at 06:53. / Modified on May 8, 2024 at 06:55.

“AI that needs to be explained to me”, the new podcast from Le Temps dedicated to AI

Every other Monday, our journalists accompany you into the constantly moving world of artificial intelligence. A free podcast in which you can also participate by sending your questions to [email protected].

It’s not just companies that want to put artificial intelligence everywhere. Swiss public administrations are also thinking about it. AI was at the heart of the 12th French-speaking Symposium on eGovernment organized on Tuesday by the Swiss Digital Administration (ANS) in Sierre. “AI could solve problems faster than we, the state councilors, identify them,” laughed Valais Minister of Finance and Energy Roberto Schmidt. Although he does not hide the fact that the State of Valais is also considering exploiting the potential of these technologies, he nevertheless reaffirmed the importance of “collective and social intelligence”.

Read also: Podcast – This week in “AI to explain to me”: the humanization of ChatGPT, AI in Saudi Arabia and doubts about TikTok

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