We reimagined the Victorinox Swiss Army knife and here is the result

It is time to promote Swiss cultural heritage.

Madeleine Sigrist

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A Swiss army knife without a knife, Victorinox announced it this Monday, May 6.

The reason: increasing regulation of knives, whether in airports, concerts, stadiums, etc. The Swiss brand is therefore working on a pocket knife with all the classic essentials, but without a blade.

At the house of watson we wondered what essential gadget could replace the famous knife. We therefore took the liberty of making some proposals.

We all need to have a raclette on the go at one time or another.

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Do you prefer fondue? No problem.


The basis for seasoning your salads

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With such a knife, you are guaranteed a successful festive meal.

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For late evenings

Sackmesser mit Döner

Well, not sure that the lightsaber is more accepted than the knife

Bag with new Gadgets

AND home phone?

Sackmesser mit Aluhut

Beer + pizza (+money) = dream life

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Sackmesser Liebe

No, it’s not absurd at all.




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