CJEU ruling against Morocco on Western Sahara: Algeria reacts

CJEU ruling against Morocco on Western Sahara: Algeria reacts
CJEU ruling against Morocco on Western Sahara: Algeria reacts

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on Friday, October 4, inflicted a historic setback on Morocco over Western Sahara by definitively canceling the trade agreements between the kingdom and the EU.

The Polisario Front immediately welcomed a historic decision and Algeria, which supports the struggle of the Sahrawi people for their independence, reacted this Saturday, October 5.

Algeria has “ welcomed the judgments made public on Friday October 4 by the Court of Justice of the European Union “, indicated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a press release.

For Algeria, the decision of the CJEU confirms “ the illegality of the commercial agreements concluded with the Kingdom of Morocco, in violation of the inalienable rights of the Sahrawi people over the natural resources contained in the non-autonomous territory of Western Sahara ».

Algeria adds that these judgments come “ confirm the United Nations doctrine which enshrines the sovereignty of the peoples of non-self-governing territories over their natural wealth » et « the imperative to ensure the protection of these riches against any pillaging and predation to which they may be victims, as the case of Western Sahara abundantly shows ».

At a general level, the decision of the CJEU recalls the “ undeniable truths inherent to the Sahrawi cause, including in particular the legal status of this territory, the legal status of the Polisario Front, as well as the inalienable and inalienable right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination », Adds the press release from Algerian diplomacy.

Algeria welcomes the CJEU ruling and attacks

« These irrefutable truths cannot be altered by the manifest desire of certain European countries to endorse the colonial fait accompli in Western Sahara. », recalls Algeria, an allusion to Spain and France which have aligned themselves with Moroccan theses on the occupied Sahrawi territories.

In a letter addressed to King Mohammed VI which was unveiled on July 30, French President Emmanuel Macron considered the Moroccan autonomy plan to be “ only base » for a solution to Western Sahara, implicitly recognizing the sovereignty of the kingdom over the Sahrawi territories considered by the UN as non-autonomous.

In this context, adds the press release, Algeria “ regrets that certain European countries, already contravening the doctrine of the United Nations regarding the protection of the wealth of non-autonomous territories, have rejected the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union ».

« This attitude reveals the little regard these countries have for the international and European rule of law. », Points out the press release.

Algeria expects European countries, the European Commission and the Council of the European Union, including “ attachment to the rule of law » is established as a fundamental principle of external action, that they “ fully comply with the spirit and letter of these final and definitive judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union which are not subject to any other additional means of appeal ».



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