Interview with Jessie Murph: Facing 100,000 People on the Plains of Abraham at 19

Interview with Jessie Murph: Facing 100,000 People on the Plains of Abraham at 19
Interview with Jessie Murph: Facing 100,000 People on the Plains of Abraham at 19

When the young American pop artist Jessie Murph obtained the mandate to open for Post Malone on July 12 at the Quebec Summer Festival, someone in her entourage clearly forgot to mention to her that there would have many people on the plains of Abraham.

Lots of people, as in 100,000 people. “The biggest crowd of my career,” recalls Jessie Murph, with whom The Journal recently discussed, after the launch, in early September, of his album That Ain’t No Man That’s The Devil.

“I thought the crowd wouldn’t be very big because it’s Quebec, you know, it’s another country and I had accidentally forgotten my show outfit at home. I had to improvise one, then I went out and saw these people and I was, like, holy shit», relate-t-elle.

Jessie Murph was all smiles in front of the crowd that stretched as far as the eye could see in front of her, last July 12, on the Plains of Abraham.

Photo d’archives MEGA/WENN

If she was nervous, the young woman, who was 19 years old on the day of the concert, did not show it too much. She even took out a baseball bat to sing Son of a Bitchan accessory deemed appropriate, she explains, for a song that talks about how you feel when you learn that your lover has cheated on you.

What does she remember from this extraordinary experience? “I want to do it again one day.”

Discovery on YouTube and Tik Tok

In the United States, Jessie Murph’s star is starting to shine enough for this wish not to be unrealistic.

Discovered at age 11 thanks to a YouTube video where she sings a cappella Titaniumby David Guetta, this child from the state of Alabama quickly rose through the ranks.

“From a young age I always knew I was going to do this for a living, but when I posted this video that got a lot of views, I realized it was possible. So, from the age of 14, I started posting videos on Tik Tok and that got me to where I am,” says Jessie Murph.

Following in Amy’s footsteps

Wild Onesa duet with the popular Jelly Roll, constitutes his biggest success to date. Always Been You et Praytwo extracts from Drowninghis mixtape released in 2023, has also gained him followers.

As a girl from the South, country is part of her musical DNA, but not only that. Elements of pop, R&B and soul are also present in the songs of the woman whose deep, scratchy voice recalls the intonations of a certain Amy Winehouse.

The comparison, one suspects, does not displease him.

“It’s the greatest compliment anyone can give me. She’s truly a big inspiration to me, someone I look up to, and musically, she’s a beast.”



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