When we set off on the paths of Haute-Marne

Book. Chaumontais photographer Frédéric Debilly narrows the focus on the south of the Haut-Marne region. His latest work, “Sur les chemins de Haute-Marne”, which will be available on May 24, is an ode to wandering.

“The adventure is not the arrival, but the path that leads there”, summarizes Frédéric Debilly, or the photographer who committed the much acclaimed “In Haute-Marne, where the rivers are born”, today exhausted. By creating his own publishing house “La part belle”, the artist now has complete freedom to control his projects from A to Z. “It’s important to me. Over time, I learned to know the desires of those who follow me, I did not want to be economical. » He therefore requested the assistance of Elodie Laselle, alias Louve Sarkel and Chaumontese novelist, to illustrate his images with a bit of literature: “She had carte blanche. His distant view of my work brought something new. Often, people, from the outside, see what we don’t see.”

For Frédéric Debilly, paths, walks and other paths are often alibis for taking the time to look, to stroll, to meet up, to discuss. It is not an inventory or a catalog, but on the other hand an illumination that is anything but stingy on a territory that bears witness to an art of living to be preserved where each small path can reveal a precious and rare witness to the pass. Around fifteen photographs in the entire book are dedicated to the Chaumont region which continues to amaze the photographer more than fifteen years after his installation. “I wanted a book-object, guaranteeing atmospheres and emotions linked to our territory. » Available in bookstores from May 24, it is available for pre-order via the website www.kisskissbankbank.com/fr/projects/sur-les-chemins-de-haute-marne. This process makes it possible to streamline the significant publishing costs for the required quality. Proust’s Madeleine or beautiful book, no one has yet decided.

Elise Sylvestre

  • “On the paths of Haute-Marne”, published by La Part Belle, Frédéric Debilly’s own publishing house, texts by Louve Sarkel.


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