A “Reading Marathon” in Hauts-de-Seine

As part of the Cultural Olympiad and the Rendez-vous aux jardin, the Vallée-aux-Loups departmental estate and the Chateaubriand house will host the “Reading Marathon” on Saturday 1er June.

Literature, reading and writing are at the heart of the cultural action of the Maison de Chateaubriand, owned by the Department of Hauts-de-Seine since 1987. Host community of the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, the department contributes to highlight this exceptional heritage site located in Châtenay-Malabry by including it in the program of the Cultural Olympiad, through a “Reading Marathon”.

Thus, during the day of Saturday 1er June, this unique literary event will bring together a wide diversity of audiences of all ages: middle school students from the department, amateur and professional readers, lovers of words, slammers, and other poets…

Participants will notably have the opportunity to rehearse the text of their choice alongside actors before reading it on stage, applying the techniques and other tips learned during the preliminary workshops provided for this purpose.

The highlight of the show: Lambert Wilson

Many activities of all kinds will be planned during the day. Indeed, the “Marathon of readings” will be able to count on the mobilization of students from the Louis Pasteur college in Gennevilliers who benefit from the artistic residency “Give voice to memories” during the school year, with the support of the DRAC Île-de -France. Other middle school students who took part in workshops, supported by the Maison Chateaubriand teams, “Slam in class” will be there.

In particular, there will be the company Les Souffleurs Commandos Poetiques, who will perform their art, in order to remind “ the vital necessity of the right of poetic irruption “. Finally, to conclude this rich day, the famous actor Lambert Wilson will read several works of literature from the 19th and 20th centuries, such as those of François René de Chateaubriand, Charles Baudelaire, Alfred de Musset and many others…



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