The SLFP-Enseignement denounces job cuts: “A terrible game of musical chairs”

The SLFP-Enseignement denounces job cuts: “A terrible game of musical chairs”
The SLFP-Enseignement denounces job cuts: “A terrible game of musical chairs”

These “non-framework” employment contracts had been granted by derogation by the previous Minister of Education, Caroline Désir (PS), for the current school year 2024-2025.

Around sixty people are concerned, in particular directors, deputy directors, workshop leaders, educators, all active with establishments in the official WBE network (formerly French Community).

“After more than a month of operation, these staff members […] lose their jobs”, denounces the free public service union in a press release.

“This leads to a terrible game of musical chairs in several educational establishments organized by WBE, with the cascading consequences of temporary agents finding themselves unemployed from October 1,” he adds.

The SLFP says it protests against such a process, which not only sends “dozens of teachers” out of work, but also disrupts schools and certain boarding schools which, according to the union, are no longer able to accommodate their students. due to lack of supervisory staff.

Questioned on Tuesday, the office of the Minister of Education confirmed the decision but refuted that it was linked to a desire for savings.

According to Ms. Glatigny, it was in reality on the recommendation of the administration itself that it was decided to put an end to these contracts granted by ministerial exemption, in order “to simply respect the law”, argues her spokesperson. word.

“No decree or regulatory provision provides for ministerial exemption from the standards governing ordinary or specialized education and CPMS,” it insists.

According to Ms. Glatigny, there is no justification for the WBE network, fully autonomous since 2019, to benefit from advantages denied to other education networks, especially when these advantages are not provided for by the legislation in place. This is a simple question of fairness, according to her.

While recognizing that her decision could have unpleasant human consequences, the minister nevertheless judges that the WBE network can very well find solutions so that the people concerned remain in place.

“WBE can take care of these non-framework jobs, with its own funds and within a legal framework. It has an allocation to do this,” recalls the Glatigny firm.

WBE can also find ways by bringing together all the periods not used by its schools. For the year 2024-2025, there are 124 of these, according to the cabinet. By grouping them together, it would be perfectly possible for WBE to create several full-time equivalent jobs (FTEs), the minister is told.

Upon the announcement of these job losses, the teaching teams of the Royal Athenaeum of Koekelberg as well as that of Ganshoren observed a work stoppage on Tuesday to express their solidarity with the targeted colleagues as well as their dissatisfaction with the ministerial decision.



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