Haute-Savoie MP Virginie Duby-Muller candidate to succeed Genevard as vice-president of the Assembly

Haute-Savoie MP Virginie Duby-Muller candidate to succeed Genevard as vice-president of the Assembly
Haute-Savoie MP Virginie Duby-Muller candidate to succeed Genevard as vice-president of the Assembly

Haute-Savoie MP Virginie Duby-Muller was chosen as candidate from Laurent Wauquiez’s group in the National Assembly to replace Annie Genevard as vice-president. But the elections are not expected to take place immediately.

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The Republican Right group of Laurent Wauquiez chose, Tuesday, October 1, a candidate to replace Annie Genevard as vice-president of the Assembly. This is related MP Virginie Duby-Muller, elected in the 4th constituency of Haute-Savoie, according to sources at the LR group.

Annie Genevard was appointed Minister of Agriculture on September 21 in the government of Michel Barnier. His or her successor must be designated by a secret ballot of the deputies.

The LR deputies also hope to win a committee presidency, while those of Social Affairs, Economic Affairs, and Foreign Affairs will be called into play due to the appointment to the government of their holders.

However, the groups of the presidential party agreed among themselves to maintain the distribution put in place in July: at EPR (Together for the Republic, ex-Renaissance) the Economic Affairs Committee, at Horizons that of Social Affairs, and at MoDem the Foreign Affairs Committee.

EPR appointed Stéphane Travert on Monday to seek succession to Antoine Armand, and Horizons Frédéric Valletoux to take over from Paul Christophe. But the elections for these different positions should not take place immediately, according to parliamentary sources.

To organize them, the current holders must resign, which they have not done so far, according to these sources. Or wait until they are no longer deputies, and replaced by their substitutes, which will take place one month after their appointment.

A situation which annoys, particularly in the ranks of the Insoumis. The group chaired by Mathilde Panot announced on Tuesday that it would refer the situation of Antoine Armand and Agnès Pannier-Runacher, appointed ministers and respectively president and secretary of the Economic Affairs Committee, to the Constitutional Council.

“In the absence of having received the summons from the Commission, the LFI-NFP parliamentary group therefore intends to question the Constitutional Council on this situation of combining an executive function with a seat and a function in Parliament, profoundly contrary to the spirit of our Constitution”writes the group in a press release.

On Friday, he had already stepped up to ask Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot to resign from the presidency of the Foreign Affairs Committee “as soon as possible”.



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