The Vaudois Grand Council confirms its tightening of the screw on begging –

The Vaudois Grand Council confirms its tightening of the screw on begging –
The Vaudois Grand Council confirms its tightening of the screw on begging –

Begging will be more complicated in the canton of Vaud. The Grand Council confirmed Tuesday in the second debate the tightening of the screw on begging. The right has succeeded in imposing many additional places of ban. On the other hand, the deputies did not set a metric distance.

The Council of State’s initial bill was significantly amended during very long and bitter discussions during the first debate spread over two sessions of the Grand Council over the last two weeks. It was adopted by 81 yes to 37 no (and 18 abstentions).

At least four amendments toughened the tone and strengthened the measures. All emanating from the right of the hemicycle.

Three initially extended the ban on begging to the entire perimeter of the markets and not only to the queues in front of the stands, at the entrances to public establishments and in the immediate vicinity (and not “in the surrounding areas”). ) schools, but also nurseries, playgrounds, banks, post offices, ATMs and parking meters.

A fourth amendment completed this list last Tuesday, adding entrances to residential and office buildings, public buildings and facilities, shops, medical and care establishments, museums, theaters and cinemas.

Failed compromise

On Tuesday, the left tried to push through a compromise with an amendment calling for removing entrances to residential and office buildings, public buildings and facilities, museums, theaters and cinemas from the list. In vain. This was refused by 76 votes against and 62 yes.

Previously, radical left MP Marc Vuilleumier (EP) had proposed returning to the less restrictive version of the government. An amendment very widely swept aside.

The debate has in no way lost its vigor and irreconcilable left-right positions. The left criticized a tightening which amounted to an almost generalized ban on begging. On the right, we felt that we were responding perfectly and more strictly to the fed up of the population in urban areas, in Lausanne in particular.

No distance in the law

Also for the second time, the proposal to introduce a distance of five meters to clarify the notions of “near” or “around” different places did not pass muster. And this by 75 no against 49 yes (and nine abstentions).

The new law on begging now lays down a basic principle, namely that “begging is prohibited if it is likely to undermine the freedom of choice of the passerby”. It also plans to penalize “intrusive or aggressive” begging. The parliamentarians had, by a very large majority, added “unfair and misleading” (in reference, for example, to false papers).

As a reminder, begging was banned in 2018 in the canton of Vaud, but this ban then became inapplicable following a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in 2021, concerning a case of Geneva figure. The Council of State had to adapt and propose, in July 2023, a new bill.

>> Reread: The Vaud law on begging remains in force despite a ruling from the ECHR




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