the financial statement of the nursing home presented in detail

the financial statement of the nursing home presented in detail
the financial statement of the nursing home presented in detail

The Beauvoir-sur-Niort services center hosted the union committee meeting on Monday April 29, 2024. Each meeting provides an opportunity to take stock of the management of the Intercommunal Syndicate with Multiple Vocations (Sivom) and the Héloïse-Dupond Foundation nursing home.

Always shoulder to shoulder for the comfort of residents, Denis Ploquin, president of Sivom, and Thierry Paître, director of the accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people took the floor to present the results of the management of the financial year 2023. The Belvois establishment has supported, like all competing establishments, the significant increase in supplies and services, without forgetting energy expenses.

Completed statement of revenues and expenditures. The ERRD (formerly administrative account) for the past year is presented in great detail. The foundation’s accommodation section shows a surplus of €63,412.22, the dependency section a deficit of €36,989.41 and the care section a surplus of €26,498.43. Ultimately, in a difficult economic situation, the ERRD posted an operating surplus of €52,821.24. After deliberating and without the presence of the president, the members of the union committee unanimously adopt the financial statement.

2023 management account. This administrative document established by the Public Treasury shows in all respects the concordance of the results with those established by the president. The assembly, unanimously, adopts the report.

Allocation of 2023 results. The president’s proposal does not call for any observations or questions, it is validated.

Decision amending the 2024 budget. The replacement of the dishwashing tunnel will cost the community €38,000; the assembly adjusts the initial forecast and accepts the increase of €15,000.

Staff. A technical agent assigned to the kitchen can claim the rank of supervisor. After examining the functions performed and his skills, the union committee offered him a position as supervisor. The closure of the technical assistant position is accepted.

Works. With non-renewable credits granted by the Regional Health Agency (ARS), the installation of transfer rails (€97,596) and the installation of lighting to prevent falls (€54,528) were carried out.

Self-financing capacity. The self-financing capacity rate is currently 5.37%.

Taekwonkido. Once again, the Charentais martial arts club renews its wish to use the multi-sports activity room free of charge to provide its classes. The elected officials of the five municipalities of Sivom Deux-Sévrien, financiers of this sports hall, give priority to schools and associations in their territory. A proposal will be made for rental on Sunday morning.

