“Mythomaniac”, “sex addict”, “alcoholic”… The profile of the co-defendants revealed at the Mazan rape trial

“Mythomaniac”, “sex addict”, “alcoholic”… The profile of the co-defendants revealed at the Mazan rape trial
“Mythomaniac”, “sex addict”, “alcoholic”… The profile of the co-defendants revealed at the Mazan rape trial


Alexandra Segond

Published on

September 30, 2024 at 9:31 p.m.

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It’s been five weeks now since the (very popular) Mazan rape trialwith this week the continuation of the hearings of 50 co-accused of Dominique Pelicot. But without the latter, absent (again) this Monday September 30, 2024 for health concerns confirmed by Roger Shows the president of the criminal court of .

In the absence of Gisèle Pelicot’s ex-husband and executioner, the court therefore began to address the cases of a third group of co-defendants, seven of the fifty men whom Dominique Pelicot had invited on the Internet, from July 2011 to October 2020to come and rape his wife, after he had drugged her with anxiolytics.

Seven men and their ex-partners in court

Over the past two weeks, the cases of the first 10 co-accused had been studied.
Mostly prosecuted for aggravated rape, they face up to 20 years of criminal imprisonment.

18 of these accused, including Dominique Pelicot, appear detained. 32 others appear free, the last, on the run, being tried in absentia.

This week, therefore, seven men will appear before the Vaucluse criminal court, as will several of their former partners. They will be questioned, a priori Thursday October 3, 2024 and in the presence of Dominique Pelicot.

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But first, the court began this Monday morning with dissect their characters and their life journeyswith personality investigators. Tuesday and Wednesday, she should address their psychological and then psychiatric expertise.

“Sex addiction” for one of the main accused

Jérôme V., 46 years old, former employee in a food store, is one of the main accused of this extraordinary trial. According to the prosecution, he is one of four men to be came six times at the couple’s marital home in Mazan (Vaucluse), in the south-east of , to rape Gisèle Pelicot there, in 2020.

He would have crossed a difficult childhoodvictim of “psychological and verbal violence” from her parents, explained the personality investigator, Elisa Scheidt.

Described as a “pragmatic and utilitarian person in his relationship with others”, this enthusiast of “hiking and extramarital relations” had a “frustrated sexualitywhich led him to seek satisfaction elsewhere.” Father of three children, one of whom was illegitimate, he signed up as a volunteer firefighter.

“A good excuse to approach women,” he explained to the investigator, wondering himself about a possible “sex addiction”.

“In terms of human relations, he was special” but “he had no reason to look elsewhere”, testified at the bar, in tears, his current partner, who continues to go see him in the visiting room. “I don’t understand why he didn’t tell me about Madame Gisèle,” she added, looking at her and “giving her all her support.”

Another accused, “helpful, courageous and kind”

In the morning this Monday, the court also heard the expert opinions concerning three other accused, including Jean T., 52 years old, former roofer, who came once to the Pelicot home, in 2018, described by his entourage as “helpful, courageous and kind”.

Redouane E., 55, a liberal nurse, attacked Gisèle in 2019. Having “many sexual needs” he would have compensated for his “work-related stress” through libertinism and by viewing a lot of pornography.

Finally, Thierry P., 54, accused of having raped Gisèle Pelicot in July 2020, is a former mason who had fallen into alcoholism after the death of his 18-year-old son in a car accident in 2016.

“I absolutely don’t understand” how he could have done thatexplained, in tears, his ex-wife on the stand, who is nevertheless trying to “rebuild” a relationship with him. This 61-year-old refrigeration craftsman, also charged with possession of child pornography images

“Mythomaniac”, “jealous”, “influenceable”…

Among the other defendants questioned this week and whose personality investigations the court heard, there is Adrien L., 34 years old. Coming from a “very stable” family background, he presents a “great narcissistic fragility”according to investigator Marianne Douteau.

Qualified as “mythomaniac” and “jealous” by an ex-partner, he has been imprisoned since 2020 and has already been sentenced to 14 years in prison for three previous rapes of his concubines.

The court also spoke about Simone M., 43, a construction worker. Presented as “someone easily influenced, naive”, he would have “sunk into alcohol” due to a life as a couple judged by those around him as “unbalanced and disharmonious”.

Closed at 6 p.m. and no news on the health of Dominique Pelicotthe debates should resume on Tuesday October 1, 2024 at 9 a.m. with the hearings of the three psychologists who examined this group of seven accused.

With AFP.

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