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Morocco’s participation in the 2nd session of the Media and Communication Forum in Amman

Morocco’s participation in the 2nd session of the Media and Communication Forum in Amman
Morocco’s participation in the 2nd session of the Media and Communication Forum in Amman

The 2nd session of the Media and Communication Forum kicked off on Sunday in the Jordanian capital Amman, with the participation of more than 500 media professionals, content creators and experts in the field of communication and technology from several countries Arabs and foreigners, including Morocco.

Morocco is represented at this two-day conclave, organized by the Center for the Protection and Freedom of Journalists, by the president of the National Union of the Moroccan Press (SNPM), Abdelkebir Khchichen.

Speaking at the opening of the Forum, the Jordanian Minister of Communication and government spokesperson, Mohammad Al-Moumni, indicated that this event constitutes an opportunity to exchange experiences and enrich ideas, in a marked context by a rapid evolution of media and means of communication, in particular with the rise of social networks and artificial intelligence applications which influence many aspects of life.

He also stressed that the future of the media depends on the commitment of journalists to ethical codes and professional standards, thus fully ensuring their role in transmitting the noble media message in the face of the rapid technological developments experienced by this sector.

The session of experts and leaders of Arab media institutions addressed the role of press unions in the Arab world, particularly in terms of protection and professional development.

In this sense, Mr. Khchichen presented the union’s experience in improving the working conditions of journalists and the promotion of the profession, as well as monitoring the profound changes experienced by the national and international media landscape.

He also highlighted the union’s historic journey to protect journalists and defend their interests on material and moral levels, and to strengthen freedom of expression, while creating a legal and regulatory environment favorable to the evolution of national media, which have experienced “profound transformations in their professional structures due to the evolution of communication technologies and social networks”.

The National Union of the Moroccan Press “contributed to improving the environment of professional practice, by tackling distribution problems and improving the conditions of publication of newspapers, while being interested in the moral aspect, such as the defense of freedom of expression,” he continued.

On the other hand, he noted that unprecedented technological developments on a global scale have profoundly affected traditional media, which are experiencing funding crises and struggling to attract a large audience.



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